Οι καλύτερες ατάκες του επεισοδίου 14×05 Nightmare Logic.
Dean: Something on your mind, Bobby?
Bobby: Yeah. Your brother. He let Maggie come here when she had no idea what she was walking in to. She wasn’t ready.
Dean: Oh, c’mon, when is anyone ever really ready?
Bobby: You are or you ain’t. A real leader would have seen that a mile away.
Sam: Have you asked?
Mary: Bobby’s not open like your dad.
Sam: Wait. Like my Dad?
Mary: Okay. At least he’s not like your dad was when I knew him.Sam: Well, I’m, uh still getting to know this Bobby. Um, our Bobby wasn’t the most open person either. Not at first. His wife, she, uh — she was possessed by a demon, and he had to take care of it himself.
Mary: They never had any children?
Sam: No. Anyway, point is, people put up walls for a reason. So, whatever your Bobby has behind his doubt it’s pretty. But you think I should try and find out? You know what? If you care about him, I think you should.
Sasha: You hunt monsters?
Dean: Oh, good. You told them.
Dean: Can I give you a little advice? Let it go. The past is There’s nothing you can do about it now, so it’s just baggage. Let it go. You’ll feel a lot lighter.
Sasha: Is that what you do?
Dean: I try. Every single day.
Bobby: Daniel you can’t be —
Daniel: What? Here? Real? But here I am. And, damn, this feels real good. C’mon, Dad. I know you’re curious — what they did, what you let them do. It’s kind of a funny story. They crucified me, piece by piece.
Neil: Hmm I thought when you showed up with that ridiculous ‘Historic Society’ story that you — he was testing me, making sure I kept up my end of the bargain.
Dean: What bargain? – Stop!
Neil: Find somewhere quiet, set up shop, kill as many hunters as I can. And in return, he’d give you an upgrade. It’s what he does. Djinn — What powers do we really have? Trapping our little flies, weaving our poisonous webs inside people’s minds. It’s all so limiting. Now, one touch — I read minds, see nightmares. And because of him, because of you, I can bring those nightmares into the world — make them do whatever I want. The old man? Rawling? His worst nightmare is dying in this house — unmourned, unloved, rotting away in the family crypt, alone with his own regret. It’s a tad macabre, don’t you think? Now, your little hunter girl? Hers were much more interesting. It’s a shame what those vampires did to her family. Quite a place she comes from, and your friend Bobby. The things slithering around in his mind.
Bobby: Daniel was my son. My wife, God rest her she didn’t die natural. Daniel and I buried her together. After well, hunting, that — that’s what got us through. Then the angel war started. I’d been called up to serve before, so they gave me a platoon, I guess you could call it. Dan was in it. We got separated. I guess you can figure where this is headed.
Mary: It wasn’t your fault.
Bobby: I’m the one that brought him to war. I’m the one who sent him to die. I don’t even know what they did to him. The angels took them. We never found the bodies. I never figured I’d be any kind of a father to a child. But Daniel. was the best thing in my life. I always assumed that war’d kill me, too, but it didn’t. I guess lately, I’ve — I’ve been looking for other options.
Mary: The hunting.
Bobby: It ends the same.
Mary: No. You are not allowed to give up on me.
Bobby: I don’t — I don’t know any other way to live.
Mary: Then we’ll find one.
Sam: Dean —
Dean: I know, I know. Not my fault. It’s Michael. It’s all Michael. You know, I’ve been trying to — not forget, but to move on from what I — from what we — from what he did. And I got to be honest, I was — I was starting to feel like myself again. Almost.
Sam: So we’ll work harder.
Dean: How, Sam? You get sleep three hours of sleep a night.
Sam: All right, then — then — then I’ll sleep two. Dean, we’re going to find Michael, and when we do, we will kill him.
Dean: How?
Sam: I don’t know. We’ll — We’ll — We’ll track down Dark Kaia and her spear. We’ll — We’ll find something.
Dean: I hope you’re right.