Ατάκες επεισοδίων – 14×18 – Absence

Καλύτερα Επεισόδια του Supernatural

Από πάντα ήμουν fan των σειρών μυστηρίου αλλά στο Supernatural βρήκα το συνδυασμό που αναζητούσα: αγωνία, χιούμορ και πάλι αγωνία. Αυτό που με κέρδισε στην αγαπημένη μας σειρά είναι ότι τα απίθανα φαίνονται τόσο αληθινά και οι πρωταγωνιστές δεν είναι οι κλασσικοί σούπερ ήρωες, στοιχεία που την κάνουν να ξεχωρίζει από άλλες σειρές του ίδιου είδους. Από τότε (2007) η σχέση μου με το Supernatural είναι καρμική ιδιαίτερα όταν ανακάλυψα ότι αρέσει και σε κάποιον άλλο ο Bob Seger! (Dean)

Οι καλύτερες ατάκες του επεισοδίου 14×18 – Absence.

Jack: Whatever you are… I don’t want your help.
Jackifer: Actually, you do. So I’m gonna give you a little piece of advice, bud, how you can wiggle out of this little pickle you’re in. You don’t. You won’t. You can’t. All right? Buddy, you killed Mary Winchester. You cannot come back from that, and you know it. All right? you’ve been flapping your wings all around trying to run away from what you did, and where’d you wind up? Right here, right back to the scene of the crime. Yeah. Yeah, because somewhere inside, you realize that the sooner you accept it, the easier it’ll be.

Castiel: Are you still afraid of me?
Mary: Maybe a little. I haven’t been back that long. Angels are real. Angels are friends. Angels can heal you with a wave of a glowy hand. I — It’s all pretty new still. We should get back. Boys will be waiting.
Castiel: I know you know this, Mary, but… Sam and Dean — they’re — they’re glad to have you back. Whatever you still have to deal with and however long it takes, you should know they’re happy. I mean, finally, they don’t have to be so… so alone.
Mary: Castiel. They were never alone.

Dean: Who cares what Jack said? We don’t know what happened! But I swear, if he did something to her, if she is… Then you’re dead to me.

Castiel: I was scared. I had believed in Jack for so long, I… I believed that he was — he was good. I — I knew he would be good for the world. And he was good for us. My faith in him, it — it never wavered, and then I-I saw what he did. It wasn’t malice. It wasn’t evil. It was like Jack saw a problem, and in his mind, he just solved it with that snake.

Dean: The snake!
Castiel: What he did wasn’t bad. It was the absence of good. And I saw that in him. But we were a family, and I didn’t want to lose that, so I thought I could… fix it on my own. Felt like it was my responsibility. So I left and didn’t tell you. If I could go back and just — just talk to him right then and there, I would. But I can’t, Dean. I failed you. And I failed Jack. And I failed —
Dean: No, no. Don’t even say it. Don’t even say her name.

Sam: I feel bad. I’ve been so busy looking for Dean…

Mary: Sam, everyone here understands what you’ve been doing and what you’ve been putting yourself through.
Sam: Yeah, I know, but Jack’s been through a lot — you know, losing his powers. And I haven’t really been there for him. Sorry Mom. I don’t mean to lay all this on you.
Mary: No. Are you kidding? It’s nice knowing I’m not the only one… with parental guilt. How much did the two of you go through when I wasn’t there for you? And even when Amara brought me back, and I got a second chance, things got complicated. I got complicated.
Sam: Mom.
Mary: No, I’m just saying… parenting is always a struggle. You always feel like you’re failing, but then you look at them, and somehow they’re amazing. And somehow, they’re literally… the bravest… kindest… most heroic men on the planet. Kids. They’ll always surprise you.

Sam: Dean, it wasn’t just Cas. I wasn’t. We knew Jack was dangerous. We always knew. Long before he killed Michael. You more than anyone. I mean, from the very beginning, you knew. But, you know, we fell for him ’cause he had a good heart and a good soul. Then he didn’t. And that’s on me, too, by the way. I mean, I’m the one that made the call to bring him back. He didn’t ask for that. I decided for him. And you warned me.

Sam: You know, after Maggie and the other hunters died… I just left. Just… dumped Jack on Cas and left. I knew. I mean, I knew something… was gonna… I just didn’t know it’d be this.
Dean: I did it, too. When I talked to Donatello about Jack, he said he was good as far as he could tell. But then he talked about how powerful Jack was and that he could never really be sure. And it was a warning. I just couldn’t see it.

Jackifer: There’s no going back. You realize that now. Cas, Sam, Dean… they’re never gonna trust you again. And you know what that means.

Jack: What?
Jackifer: You can never trust them.

Castiel: I saw your mother’s Heaven, and she is happy. She’s with John, and there’s no sorrow. There’s no guilt. Just joy.

Sam: I talked to Rowena. She said she thinks what Jack brought back… He just brought back a shell. A body, you know. That it was empty. Just a… a replica. “Incapable of holding life.” So what are we supposed to do now?
Dean: What we always do.

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