Σενάριο Supernatural | 14×05 Nightmare Logic


Σενάριο Supernatural | 14×05 Nightmare Logic.

Written by: Meredith Glynn
Directed by: Darren Grant
Air Date: November 8, 2018

[MAGGIE is alone, walking through the woods. She turns her flashlight on, and keeps walking to a cemetery. She gets to a family crypt saying: RAWLING. Maggie grabs a CAMERA from her backpack and starts recording.]
MAGGIE: Hey, guys. Okay, so here we are in delightful Claremore, Oklahoma. According to the post, that’s where it came from. I’m thinking ghoul. (chuckles) Anyway… here we go.
[Maggie grabs a large blade and walks to the crypt’s entrance. She takes a nervous look around. Then, she gets in.]
[Maggie searches the crypt. She hears raspy breathing. Then, a CREATURE attacks her. She screams.]


[SAM is talking to a group of survivors from the Apocalypse World.]
SAM: …and details matter. I know homework sucks, but it get it down — all of it. The more we know, the better we are, so…
[DEAN enters the room. Sam stands up, looks at him.]
Uh… Everybody good? Any questions? Okay. Let’s get to work.
[They start walking.]
DEAN: You kids have fun out there.
SAM: Don’t even say it.
DEAN: What? No, it’s good. It’s got, like, a very camp-counselor vibe to it. Just need to get you a whistle.
[A phone keeps chiming.]
What is that?
SAM: It’s nothing. It’s just…
[Sam pulls out his phone.]
Hunter check-ins.
DEAN: Check-ins?
SAM: Yeah.
DEAN: That’s adorable.
DEAN: You got any rest lately, like at all? I mean, look, man, I know things are crazy right now, okay? I mean, hell, I just went toe-to-toe with my own personal horror-movie icon, but we all need our beauty sleep.
SAM: Dean, I have 16 Hunters on cases right now. That’s not counting Jack and Cas in Sarasota or Mom and Bobby working that rugaru in Texas.
DEAN: Okay, you know that these people survived a war, right?
SAM: Yeah, but a war isn’t Hunting. These people need, uh, lore and weapons and tips and backup, and — Look, don’t worry (phone chimes) about me, all right? I’m — I’m — I’m good.
DEAN: What is it?
SAM: One of the Hunters, uh, missed check-in.
DEAN: Who?
SAM: Maggie.
[Sam is checking his laptop, while Dean is trying to call Maggie.]
DEAN: Come on, kid, answer the phone.
[Nobody picks up. Dean sighs.]
DEAN: You got them wearing body cams now?
[On Sam’s laptop: we see the last footage Maggie recorded.]
SAM: Yeah, they’re new. I figured watching each other Hunt is the best way to learn. They upload directly to the server.
MAGGIE: …in delightful Claremore, Oklahoma.
DEAN: And if something goes wrong, you got a place to start.
SAM: Yeah. That, too.
Here we go.
[Sam and Dean see what happened to Maggie.]
DEAN: Something jumped her.
[Sam pauses on the creature that attacked Maggie.]
DEAN: The ghoul?
SAM: Dean, if she’s hurt or dead —
DEAN: We don’t know that, okay? We don’t know anything yet.
SAM: You just watched the same thing I did.
DEAN: I saw a ghoul, okay? And, yeah, they’re nasty little sons of bitches, but they’re also scavengers. They don’t usually feed on the living.
SAM: Yeah, so why attack her?
DEAN: I don’t know. But I bet if we go there and find out, we got a shot at bringing her home.
[Dean and Sam are in the IMPALA, driving to the place where Maggie disappeared.]
[We are back to the cemetery. Dean and Sam walk to the crypt.]
So, what’s the deal here?
I don’t know. Same family owns the whole place.
DEAN: Huh. Private cemetery. Must be nice.
SAM: What?
DEAN: As in convenient. But what are we talking here? Are they some sort of weirdo shut-ins like the Addams Family?
SAM: Uh, Maggie was working a lead. Kids online said they were studying when — and I quote — “a walker tried to end them.” It’s a zombie — a “Walking Dead” thing.
DEAN: I know what a walker is, Sam.
[Dean sees some abandoned cans of beer.]
DEAN: “Studying,” huh?
SAM: Yeah.
[Dean takes his flashlight. He looks into the crypt from outside the gate. Then, they get in.]
[Dean and Sam inspect the crypt. Dean sees something on the floor.]
DEAN: Hey, check it out.
SAM: Drag marks.
DEAN: But no blood, which means Maggie could still be alive.
SAM: Ghouls don’t take prisoners.
DEAN: Okay, say that she surprised it, it attacked, and then took her somewhere to feed for later, right? Maybe it didn’t finish the job yet. Either way, I say we find it — – And kill it.
SAM: Yeah.
Hello? Who’s down there?
SAM: All right, we’re coming up.
[The groundskeeper is at the entrance, wielding a pitchfork.]
SAM: Hey! Hi.
GROUNDSKEEPER : Can I help you?
SAM: Yeah.
I’m — I’m Mr. Harrison. This is Mr. Byrne. We’re with the Historic Preservation Society.
GROUNDSKEEPER : This is private property.
SAM: Sure. Uh, the city sent us. They — They are gonna make this whole place a historic site.
DEAN: Yeah. Yeah. We just need to take a look around, uh, survey the grounds, and then the home. I-If we could just speak with the owner.
SAM: Hm.
[Sam and Dean are at the door, talking to the site’s owner.]
NEIL: I knew it! I always said this place had historical significance.
SAM: So much significance.
NEIL: Thought so. Oh, please.
[He lets Sam and Dean in.]
NEIL: I’m no expert. I do subscribe to Architectural Digest.
DEAN: Oh, is that right? The thing is… (chuckles) how many of you does this take? I mean, two of you seems like enough.
SAM: Two of us?
NEIL: Your colleagues? Well, they got here right before you did — said they were from the H.P.S., too.
DEAN: Really? Y– You gotta be kidding me.
[MARY and BOBBY are sitting on the sofa.]
MARY: Hello, boys.
BOBBY: What are you doing here?
NEIL: Oh, no. Was there a mix-up?
SAM: No. Not at all. We — W-We’re all good. We, uh, just wish you’d checked in with the main office before coming all the way out here.
BOBBY: Well, we don’t need permission to look at houses. Especially when the main office is run by a bunch of idjits.
NEIL: I really hope this won’t affect our chances of being historically preserved.
MARY: Could you just give us a minute?
[Mary takes Sam away to talk.]
DEAN: So, uh, Neil, right? How long is the house been in your family?
NEIL: Oh. No. I can see why you think that. I’m — I’m flattered. I’m not the owner. Oh, that’d be Mr. Rawling. I’m his nurse.
BOBBY: We’re gonna need to talk to him.
MARY: It was her first solo Hunt, and she was nervous, excited. Bobby and I were talking her through it, giving her pointers, and then all of a sudden, she just stopped texting. We were worried, but we should have called.
SAM: No, it’s… Did you find anything?
DEAN: Mr. Harrison, a word.
[MR. RAWLING is laying in bed, on life support. Dean, Sam, Mary and Bobby stare at him.]
DEAN: Is it just me or does this guy look exactly —
SAM: No, that’s him, from the video.
DEAN: So, if he’s here, where’s MAGGIE: [INT. RAWLING’S HOUSE – ATTIC – DAY]
[Maggie is chained to the ceiling, surrounded by blood bags.]
Help me. Somebody… ple– Help me.

[Sam, Dean, Bobby and Mary are gathered around Mr. Rawling.]
NEIL: Mr. Rawling. Groundskeeper found him like this. He had a stroke. I’m doing my best to keep him comfortable, but
SASHA (O.S.): Neil? Give me a hand?
NEIL: In here! (to the others) Sasha — Mr. Rawling’s daughter.
[SASHA enters the room with a bag of groceries.]
NEIL: Sasha, they’re from the National Historic Preservation Society. Isn’t that exciting?
SASHA: What?
SASHA: This house? You’re sure?
DEAN: Yeah, she’s, uh she’s got good bones.
SASHA: Ah. My grandpa used to say that when he and my grandma lived here.
SAM: Now, your father — how long has he lived here?
SASHA: Full-time? I don’t really know.
DEAN: You don’t know?
SASHA: Look, I just came down here to get everything in order before he… Well, before he dies.
Look, it’s — it’s been a really long week.
SAM: Sure. Sorry, um… We’ll just take a second, and we’ll be out of your hair.
SASHA: You know what? I can’t. Not today. So, I’m sorry. You’re gonna have to leave.
[Bobby, Mary, Dean and Sam are standing by the Impala’s open trunk.]
BOBBY: Well, it ain’t a ghoul. I checked the old guy out pretty good back there — no bites.
MARY: Maybe we’re looking at a shifter.
DEAN: I don’t know. Shifters don’t usually hang out in graveyards.
SAM: Maybe he was possessed, you know, or maybe a demon took his body for a joyride?
BOBBY: Yeah, and then what? He tucks him back in like he’s returning a library book? Anyways, I spritzed him with holy water when the nurse’s head was turned. This case obviously ain’t a milk run.
DEAN: Something on your mind, Bobby?
BOBBY: Yeah. Your brother. He let Maggie come here when she had no idea what she was walking into. (pause) She wasn’t ready.
DEAN: Oh, c’mon, when is anybody ever ready?
BOBBY: You are or you ain’t. A real leader would’ve seen that a mile a way.
MARY: (glares at Bobby)
Bobby. Look, we all want the same thing. We — We have a job to do, so let’s do it. Sam, you’re with me. Bobby, you’re with Dean.
[Sam and Mary are walking.]
MARY: Look, don’t listen to Bobby.
SAM: Um, maybe he’s right, you know? I encouraged her. Maybe he’s right about me, about everything.
MARY: Sam. Watching you these last few weeks, you know what I’ve been saying to myself? “This is what he was born to do.” If Bobby can’t see that, then it’s not the only thing he’s been missing lately.
SAM: I wasn’t gonna mention it. None of my business, but it did seem like you’d gotten pretty close lately.
MARY: Yeah, and I thought so, too. Maybe, but since we’ve been back, things have changed.
SAM: Changed how?
MARY: We’re Hunting all the time. He won’t take a break, not even for a second. There’s something on his mind, and… he doesn’t want to talk about it.
SAM: Have you asked?
MARY: Bobby’s not open like your dad.
SAM: Wait. Like my dad?
MARY: Okay. At least he’s not like your dad was when I knew him.
SAM: Right.
MARY: Bobby’s got walls, big ones. I just don’t know if I can do that if I even ever put myself out there again. (chuckles) I shouldn’t be talking to you about this.
[Dean and Bobby are walking in the woods.]
BOBBY: You think I was too hard on your brother back there.
DEAN: He’s doing his best. He’s doing better than his best. You know, this whole Hunter Five-O thing — he’s — he’s killing himself over it. He doesn’t eat, he doesn’t sleep, grew himself one of those Kenny Rogers Beards. No offense.
SAM: Well, I’m, uh still getting to know this Bobby. Um, our Bobby wasn’t the most open person either. (chuckles) Not at first. His wife, she, uh — she was possessed by a demon, and he had to take care of it himself.
MARY: They never had any children?
SAM: No. Anyway, point is, people put up walls for a reason. So, whatever your Bobby has behind his… doubt it’s pretty.
MARY: But you think I should try and find out?
SAM: You know what? If you care about him, I think you should.
[Mary sees some burned clothes.]
MARY: Hey, what is?
SAM: What?
MARY: Sam, look at this.
[Dean and Bobby have found a shed. Dean peeps inside. Bobby spots someone walking in the woods and runs after him. Dean doesn’t notice and walks inside the house.]
[Dean has a look around. He sees a hand sticking out from under a rug.]
[Mary has found some burnt IDs.]
MARY: FBI, DEA… Forest Service.
[Dean moves the rug. It’s a BODY. He gasps.]
SAM: Looks like a Hunter’s wallet.
MARY: Another Hunter? Not one of ours.
[Dean turns to call Bobby.]
DEAN: Bobby? Bobby!
[Suddenly, the CREATURE that attacked Maggie attacks him. Dean grabs a blade from the wall and stabs the creature, which explodes into ashes.]
DEAN: The hell?
[Dean opens the door. Bobby is outside.]
DEAN: What happened to you?!
BOBBY: I could ask you the same question.
[Sasha is reading through some documents. She hears a rattle in distance, then again. It comes from upstairs.]
[Sasha goes upstairs, looks around.]
SASHA: Hello? Neil?
[Sasha walks to an open door leading to the attic. She makes to walk in, when — A MONSTER ATTACKS HER. Sasha screams and starts running. She falls and gets ready for the worst.]
SASHA: No! No!
[She looks behind her. The monster has disappeared.]

[Sasha and Neil are talking to Mary and Sam.]
SASHA: A thing chased me down the hall.
MARY: What kind of thing?
SASHA: It couldn’t have been real. It looked — It looked like a vampire. Oh, I’m crazy. That sounded crazy.
SAM: You’re not crazy.
SASHA: I’m sorry. What are you doing in my house?
SASHA: You hunt monsters?
NEIL: What about the Historic Society?
Uh, yeah — Sorry.
[The door opens.]
DEAN: You’re not gonna believe what I found in the shed.
SASHA: You hunt monsters?
DEAN: Oh, good. You told them.
MARY: What did you find in the shed?
DEAN: Dead guy.
[Sam grabs one of the IDs he and Mary found.]
SAM: Any chance, uh — Any chance it was him?
[Dean looks at it.]
DEAN: Yeah. Yeah, that’s him.
SAM: Great. So, we think something is killing Hunters.
MARY: Where’s Bobby?
DEAN: Said he had to grab something out of the truck.
MARY: I’ll go check.
[Mary runs out.]
SASHA: No, wait, time out. There’s a dead body on our property?
DEAN: Yeah, that’s not all. A wormy clone of her dad tried to kill me. It was the same thing that attacked Maggie in the video.
NEIL: W-Who’s Maggie?
But my dad is right there.
SAM: This makes no sense. Sasha, c-can we talk to the Groundskeeper, please?
SASHA: Don? He left hours ago. What about the thing that I saw?
SAM: Right. Yep. S-So, she had a vampire chase her down the hall.
DEAN: Okay, you’re right — no sense. I mean, what kind of vampire lets its dinner go AWOL? And that thing that I killed died weird.
SAM: Okay, you know what? This is a stretch, but — but go with me. What if what we’re dealing with, what if they aren’t monsters at all?
NEIL: Oh, thank God.
DEAN: All right. Well, then what are they?
SAM: Maybe some kind of manifestation?
DEAN: Like from a witch or a psychic?
SAM: Remember, uh, the — the guy in the old folks’ home? He could — He could make things go “Looney Tunes.”
DEAN: Fred Jones — Yeah, Dad’s buddy.
SAM: Exactly. He was psychokinetic. He could reshape reality.
NEIL: Reshape? That’s not possible.
DEAN: Oh, pal, you have no idea what’s possible. Yeah, but Fred Jones was damn near catatonic. He had no idea what he was doing.
SAM: Well, maybe he doesn’t either.
SASHA: You think my dad’s doing this?
DEAN: Sasha, has your dad ever shown any signs of, um…
SASHA: Psychic powers? There’s — No. No. I mean, if we’re talking textbook workaholic with toxic narcissistic tendencies, then, yeah, sure, maybe. But a psychic? No way.
DEAN: Why would he manifest a vampire to scare his own daughter?
SAM: Sasha, tell us exactly what was going on when you saw the vampire.
SASHA: I thought I heard rats or something in the attic. I was going up to see, but I —
DEAN: But you got scared. You got scared, so you didn’t go.
SAM: The attic.
DEAN: Yeah.
SAM: I’ll go. You stay with them.
[Mary runs to Bobby’s truck.]
MARY: Bobby!
[Bobby’s truck is empty. There’s no one around.]
MARY: Bobby!
[Sasha takes a bottle of pills. Dean is sharpening his machete.]
SASHA: Could you not — (Dean stops) Yeah, you know what? Never mind.
DEAN: You okay?
SASHA: Well, my father’s dying, and there’s a strange man sharpening a… machete to presumably kill monsters with in my living room. Thank God for benzos.
[Dean looks amused.]
SASHA: I never should have come back here. Thanks, Dad.
DEAN: No love lost between you two, huh?
[Sasha sighs and starts drinking.]
DEAN: Look, I get it.
SASHA: No offense, but I’m not really up for a heart-to-heart.
DEAN: Great. Okay.
[Dean puts away his machete.]
SASHA: My dad wasn’t the best person. He was gone all the time working. For us, he said, but my mom… He knew depression runs in her family. He wasn’t there, so I was the one who found her. I was 12.
DEAN: I’m sorry.
SASHA: Mm. That’s what everyone says. Except him. Never said it. You want to know what the most ridiculous part is? I worshipped him when I was kid. Didn’t know any better. He’s the only family I have left.
DEAN: Can I give you a little advice? Let it go. The past is… There’s nothing you can do about it now, so… it’s just baggage. Let it go. You’ll feel a lot lighter.
SASHA: Is that what you do? I try. Every single day.
[Sam walks up to the door, machete in his hand. He turns his flashlight on and walks up to the attic.]
[Sam finds Maggie. She has a needle in her neck.]
SAM: Maggie. Oh, no. Okay
[Sam gets the needle out.]
SAM: Hey.
MAGGIE: It’s here.
SAM: What?
MAGGIE: It’s here. It’s — It’s here.
[Sam turns and sees the VAMPIRE. Sam stabs it and — it turns into ashes.]
MAGGIE: I-I didn’t mean to get caught. I’m s–
SAM: No, no, no. Stop that. Maggie, you did nothing wrong, all right? We’re gonna get you home, okay? We’re gonna get you out of here.
[Sam starts freeing her.]
[Bobby is walking in the woods, alone. He hears a rustle. A BOY with burnt out eyes slowly walks to him.]
BOBBY: Daniel?
DANIEL: Hey, Dad.
[Daniel starts punching him.]
BOBBY: Daniel… you can’t be —
DANIEL: What? Here? Real? But here I am.
[He punches Bobby again.]
DANIEL: And, damn, this feels real good.
[He kicks Bobby. Then, he stabs him with an angel blade, pinning him to a tree.]
DANIEL: C’mon, Dad. I know you’re curious — what they did, what you let them do. It’s kind of a funny story. They crucified me, piece by piece.
MARY: Stop! Get away from him.
BOBBY: Mary, run!
[Mary starts shooting Daniel, but it doesn’t stop him. He smacks Mary in the face and starts choking her. Bobby manages to get the blade out.]
BOBBY: No! Aah!
[Free, Bobby tackles Daniel. He raises his blade…]
BOBBY: I’m sorry.
[…and stabs Daniel. Again, it explodes into ashes.]


[Dean walks to Neil and Mr. Rawling. He notices that Mr. Rawling is getting a transfusion.]
DEAN: You’re giving him a transfusion?
NEIL: Oh. Um… keeps up his iron.
DEAN: Ah. Sasha, could you go make me a sandwich?
SASHA: Seriously? You want me to make you a sandwich?
[Dean mutters “go” so that only she can see him.]
SASHA: I’ll just go make that sandwich.
DEAN: Great.
[Dean points his gun at Neil.]
NEIL: Wh-What are you doing?
DEAN: It didn’t hit me at first, but then I remembered — I’ve seen that rig before, long time ago, when I was hooked up to it.
[FLASHBACK to 2×02.]
DEAN: You’re not giving him blood. You’re taking it. You’re a djinn.
NEIL: But you knew that already (distorted voice) didn’t you?
[The djinn shows his true face.]
DEAN: Why are you going after Hunters?
NEIL: Because you told me to. Is this still part of the game?
DEAN: What game?
NEIL: The test.
DEAN: Michael. You think I’m Michael.
NEIL: You’re not?
DEAN: No, not anymore.
NEIL: Hmm… I thought when you showed up with that ridiculous “Historic Society” story (scoffs) that you — he was testing me, making sure I kept up my end of the bargain.
DEAN: What bargain? (the djinn moves closer to him) Stop!
NEIL: Find somewhere quiet, set up shop, kill as many Hunters as I can.
DEAN: And in return, he’d give you an upgrade.
NEIL: It’s what he does. Djinn — What powers do we really have? Trapping our little flies, weaving our poisonous webs inside people’s minds. It’s all solimiting. Now, one touch — I read minds, see nightmares. And because of him, because of you, I can bring those nightmares into the world — make them do whatever I want.
DEAN: The old man?
NEIL: Rawling? His worst nightmare is dying in this house — unmourned, unloved, rotting away in the family crypt, alone with his own regret. It’s a tad macabre, don’t you think? Now, your little Hunter girl? Hers were much more interesting. It’s a shame what those vampires did to her family. Quite a place she comes from, and your friend Bobby. The things slithering around in his mind. Oof.
[The djinn takes another step forward.
DEAN: I said stop.
NEIL: We both know that won’t do me any harm. And I highly doubt you have a knife dipped in lamb’s blood.
DEAN: No, but it’ll slow you down.
[Dean shoots the djinn in the knee.]
[They start fighting.]
NEIL: Relax. I won’t let anything happen to Michael’s favorite monkey suit, but I am curious (distorted voice) what are your nightmares?
[The djinn puts a hand on Dean’s forehead. His grin falls. He lets Dean go.]
NEIL: You — You’re —
[Dean seizes the moment and attacks the djinn.]
DEAN: You know, I don’t have a blade dipped in lamb’s blood… but I can improvise.
[Dean grabs a small statue of a bird and starts hitting the djinn with it.]
NEIL: You think I’m the only one, the only trap? He made dozens of us, just out there waiting for you and your family.
DEAN: You don’t know my family.
[With a final hit, he knocks the djinn out. Then, he repeatedly shoots him.]

[Sasha and Dean are checking on Mr. Rawling.]
SASHA: So, that’s all?
DEAN: Yeah. The djinn’s poison was keeping him under. Give him some time. He’ll come back around.
Might even get that apology.
SASHA: Yeah, maybe. Maybe not, but can’t change the past, right?
[Dean smiles at her and leaves. Mr. Rawling groans.]
SASHA: Oh. It’s okay, Dad. I’m here.
[The group is back with Maggie. The other hunters hug her.]
How you doing?
You all right?
You’re back.
So great to see you.
Bring it here.
DEAN: You did this. You got her home.
[Mary is bandaging Bobby.]
MARY: So, Bobby, back there —
BOBBY: You weren’t supposed to see that. Caught sight of him in the woods when I was with Dean. I wanted to handle it myself.
MARY: Bobby. You can talk to me.
BOBBY: Daniel was my son. My wife, God rest her… she didn’t die natural. Daniel and I buried her together. After… well, Hunting, that — that’s what got us through. Then the angel war started. I’d been called up to serve before, so they gave me a… platoon, I guess you could call it. Dan was in it. We got separated. I guess you can figure where this is headed.
[Mary sits next to him.]
MARY: It wasn’t your fault.
BOBBY: I’m the one that brought him to war. I’m the one who sent him to die. I don’t even know what they did to him. The angels took them. We never found the bodies. I never figured I’d be any kind of a father to a child. But Daniel… was the best thing in my life. (sighs deeply) I always assumed that war’d kill me, too, but it didn’t. I guess lately, I’ve — I’ve been looking for other options.
MARY: The Hunting.
BOBBY: It ends the same.
MARY: No. You are not allowed to give up on me.
BOBBY: I don’t… I don’t know any other way to live.
MARY: Then we’ll find one.
[Sam is reading through some papers. Dean brings him a beer.]
DEAN: Well, I talked to Maggie. Says she can’t wait to get back in the saddle.
SAM: Really?
DEAN: Well, she learned from the best, huh?
[Mary and Bobby approach them.]
MARY: Boys. Um… We, uh — We need to talk.
[Sam is on the phone.]
SAM: Yeah, thank you again. Bye. (he hangs up)
[Mary and Bobby have packed up.]
SAM: Okay, so, uh, the key is under the garden gnome.
MARY: And you’re sure she doesn’t mind?
SAM: No. Donna says her cabin is your cabin.
DEAN: Take as much time as you need.
[Sam follows Bobby.]
SAM: Yeah?
BOBBY: Listen, those things I said before —
SAM: Bobby, forget about it.
BOBBY: No, no. I… This job is no picnic. I don’t know that I ever really had it in me. But you do.
[Meanwhile, Mary is still talking to Dean.]
MARY: We’ll — We’ll just be a few weeks. As soon as Bobby’s back on his feet —
DEAN: Hey, I know.
MARY: If you need anything — anything, I’m just half a day’s drive —
DEAN: Mom, go. All right? Be happy.
[Mary hugs Dean. Then, she hugs Sam. She and Bobby leave.]
[Dean and Sam are making some calls.]
DEAN: Garth? It’s Dean. Here’s the deal —
SAM: Yeah, that’s right — super-charged monsters.
DEAN: Yeah, a whole new breed.
SAM: So, I know things are crazy right now, but you got to listen to me. We got to stay safe, use the buddy system.
DEAN: All right. Spread the word.
[They hang up.]
SAM: Okay. That’s, uh — That’s everybody.
DEAN: Traps for Hunters. Friggin’ awesome.
[Dean opens the fridge and grabs another bottle of beer.]
SAM: Dean —
DEAN: I know, I know. Not my fault. It’s Michael. It’s all Michael. (scoffs) You know, I’ve been trying to — not forget, but to move on from what I — from what we — from what he did. And I got to be honest, I was — I was starting to feel like myself again. Almost.
SAM: So we’ll work harder.
DEAN: How, Sam? You get sleep three hours of sleep a night.
SAM: All right, then — then — then I’ll sleep two. Dean, we’re going to find Michael, and when we do, we will kill him.
DEAN: How?
SAM: I don’t know. We’ll — We’ll — We’ll track down Dark Kaia and her spear. We’ll — We’ll find something.
DEAN: I hope you’re right.

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Από πάντα ήμουν fan των σειρών μυστηρίου αλλά στο Supernatural βρήκα το συνδυασμό που αναζητούσα: αγωνία, χιούμορ και πάλι αγωνία. Αυτό που με κέρδισε στην αγαπημένη μας σειρά είναι ότι τα απίθανα φαίνονται τόσο αληθινά και οι πρωταγωνιστές δεν είναι οι κλασσικοί σούπερ ήρωες, στοιχεία που την κάνουν να ξεχωρίζει από άλλες σειρές του ίδιου είδους. Από τότε (2007) η σχέση μου με το Supernatural είναι καρμική ιδιαίτερα όταν ανακάλυψα ότι αρέσει και σε κάποιον άλλο ο Bob Seger! (Dean)
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