Ατάκες επεισοδίων – 14×17 – Game Night


Οι καλύτερες ατάκες του επεισοδίου με τίτλο 14×17 Game Night.

Mary: How about you? Feeling better?

Jack: Everybody keeps asking me that.
Mary: We’re family. It’s our job.
Jack: Well, it’s annoying.

Sister Jo: The Winchesters — they don’t know you’re here do they?

Castiel: Why do you say that?
Sister Jo: Oh, I don’t know, just the general reek of ill-conceived lone-wolf desperation.

Mary: But I should’ve been here more. But I know how I am. I can be closed off and hard.

Dean: Yeah, well, that’s where I get it from.
Mary: Listen. I just need you to know I’m grateful for every day I get to spend with you and Sam.

Mary: No one’s making excuses, but — you gave him a chance because you felt for him because you’re a good man. You are. It’s one of the reasons I’m so proud of you.

Sister Jo: We’re all lonely, because we’re all alone. From ant to lion to human to angel. Every last one of us.

Castiel: You know, He does meddle. God reached down, and He brought me back to life.
Sister Jo: So He saves one angel and watches millions of people die screaming, every day. What does that say about Him?

Nick: I get you, Dean. You and me, we’re almost like brothers, you know. Michael, you, Lucifer me — we both know what it’s like to be hog-tied to a nuclear warhead, man.

Dean: Look, you try anything funny, Sammy’s gonna shoot you. Anything happens to me —

Nick: Wait. Let me guess. Sammy’s gonna shoot me.
Sam: Yeah, to start.

Sam: You — you always, always put — You always put me first. Your whole life.

Jack: Mary. Nick he was a bad person, a killer. I had to stop him.

Mary: Not like that.
Jack: He deserved it.

Mary: If Sam and Dean saw what you did, they would be as worried as I am.

Jack: Are you gonna tell them?
Mary: You need help, we’ll help you. We’re your family.
Jack: You can’t.
Mary: We care about you, Jack.

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Από πάντα ήμουν fan των σειρών μυστηρίου αλλά στο Supernatural βρήκα το συνδυασμό που αναζητούσα: αγωνία, χιούμορ και πάλι αγωνία. Αυτό που με κέρδισε στην αγαπημένη μας σειρά είναι ότι τα απίθανα φαίνονται τόσο αληθινά και οι πρωταγωνιστές δεν είναι οι κλασσικοί σούπερ ήρωες, στοιχεία που την κάνουν να ξεχωρίζει από άλλες σειρές του ίδιου είδους. Από τότε (2007) η σχέση μου με το Supernatural είναι καρμική ιδιαίτερα όταν ανακάλυψα ότι αρέσει και σε κάποιον άλλο ο Bob Seger! (Dean)
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