Το σενάριο του επεισοδίου 14×08 Byzantium.
Written by: Meredith Glynn
Directed by: Eduardo Sanchez
Air Date: December 6, 2018
[voiceover of the scene from 13.23]
SAM: Lucifer stole Jack’s grace.
[Sam in Jack’s room from 14.01]
SAM: I know this must be so hard without your grace, but you can get past this.
[Jack coughing blood and collapsing in the kitchen from 14.06]
DEAN: Jack?!
[scenes of Lily Sunder from 13.10]
ISHIM (voiceover): Lily Sunder. She was a professor of Apocalyptic Literature.
LILY: All my life, I dreamed about angels. I had a life, a wonderful life. They took everything from me.
[Ishim stabs Lily’s daughter, May]
SAM: Ishim said you made some kind of pact, that you’re using dark magic.
LILY: I use their magic. Every time I use one of their spells, a piece of my soul burns away.
[Jack being wheeled through the hospital from 14.07]
SAM: It’s all right, Jack.
DEAN: Jack, hey, we’re right here, buddy.
DOCTOR: He’s in good hands. Don’t worry.
DOCTOR: Jack’s in total systemic failure. His body’s in the process of shutting down.
[scenes of Rowena using the spell and Gabriel’s grace to heal Jack in 14.07]
ROWENA: When Jack’s grace was taken from him, his being fell into chaos. The — The cells are gobbling each other up. Jack is part archangel. He needs a much stronger force and probably some kind of magic, and he needs it quick.
[Jack seems better for a moment, but then collapses coughing again]
SAM: So, what can we do?
ROWENA: Watch over him. Stay by his side… as he dies.
[Jack’s room in the bunker. Sam, Cas, and Dean wait by Jack’s bedside. Jack tries to sit up.]
SAM: Hey, hey, hey, it’s all right. Take — Take it easy. Take it easy. It’s all right. It’s all right.
JACK: Please don’t be sad. Maybe– Maybe this is how things are supposed to be.
DEAN: Don’t give me that “meant to be” crap. This isn’t part of some damn plan.
CAS: Dean…
[Jack coughs again, breathing oxygen with a mask, and Dean leaves the room, upset. Cas follows him.]
JACK: Can you tell him… it’s okay?
SAM: Tell him yourself. He’ll be back in a minute.
JACK: Sam… what happens next… for someone like me?
SAM: I don’t know.
JACK: Then it’s gonna be an adventure.
[in the hallway nearby where Dean has stopped to brood when Cas catches up to him]
CAS: Dean.
DEAN: I can’t. It’s not right, Cas, you know? It’s just– It’s not–
CAS: What? It’s not fair? I know that. But he needs you.
[Dean and Cas return to Jack’s room, but they’re too late]
SAM: He’s gone.
[Cas, Dean, and Sam linger in the hallway outside Jack’s room]
CAS: Maybe we should… start thinking about next steps.
DEAN: Wake and a bonfire, Hunter style. It’s what Jack would’ve wanted.
[Sam says nothing, but storms off. Cas tries to stop him, but Dean stops Cas with a hand on his arm]
CAS: Sam. [to Dean] Your brother’s in pain.
DEAN: Just let him be. If he needs his space, we’re gonna give it to him.
[Dean, now walking the halls alone, calls Mary and gets her voice mail] This is Mary Winchester. You know the drill.
[Cas stands over Jack’s bed, picks up Kelly’s picture.]
DEAN: Hey, Mom, it’s me. Sorry to lay this on your voicemail, but, uh… it’s Jack. He… He got sick, um, and he, uh– h-he died… this morning. I would have called you sooner, but, um, it– it happened so fast. And we thought we could fix it, you know like always. Anyway, Mom, I’m sorry. I know how much he meant to you and, uh, to all of us. Anyway, to tell you the truth, it would really be nice to hear your voice. If you could, uh, just call us back.
[Sam packs a bag and leaves the bunker. Cas sees him go, but doesn’t try to stop him.]
[Dean finds Cas moments later.]
DEAN: Hey, you seen Sam?
[Cas drives and Dean rides shotgun in Cas’s new truck]
DEAN: How could you just let him leave, man? You saw what he was like.
CAS: Dean, you said to give him space.
DEAN: Yeah, space, in the bunker, with us, not this.
CAS: Dean, look.
[they find Sam, sitting on the ground leaning against the back wheel of the Impala. Dean jumps out of the truck angrily while Sam stands up.]
DEAN: Tell me you didn’t make a deal.
SAM: A– A– A deal? What? No. I– I was trying to build a pyre.
[Flashback to Sam chopping down several trees with an ax, until the ax breaks and he gives up in frustration. Dean sees the felled trees and breathes a sigh of relief.]
SAM: I couldn’t– I-I couldn’t even do that for him. I should’ve done more.
DEAN: Sam–
SAM: I should have tried harder. You know, I mean, everything we got– the spells, the lore– what good is any of it if we couldn’t even save him?
DEAN: At least you were there for him.
CAS: This doesn’t feel right. It’s just not how I thought Jack’s story would end.
SAM: Yeah. None of us did.
CAS: The certainty… of death, even for angels, it’s always felt natural, but this doesn’t. Jack being taken before his time. I mean, taken before me.
SAM: So, what do we do?
DEAN: Say goodbye… tomorrow. Tonight… we get loaded.
[“Please Call Home” plays over a montage of Cas, Dean, and Sam sitting around the kitchen table, drinking and eating nougat candy]
♪ Take one last look Before you leave ♪
♪ ‘Cause, oh, somehow It means so much to me ♪
♪ And if you ever need me, you know where I’ll be ♪
♪ So please call home If you change your mind ♪
♪ Oh, I don’t mind ♪
♪ So go on ♪
DEAN [pouring drinks]: Ohh.
♪ I won’t say no more ♪
DEAN [as they all raises their glasses]: For Jack!
♪ My heart ain’t in it But I’ll hold the door ♪
♪ But just remember what I said before ♪
[Sam puts his hand over his glass as Dean tries to pour him another, and gets up to leave the room]
♪ Please call home If you change your mind ♪
[Cas gets up to leave, too, and puts a hand on Dean’s shoulder]
DEAN: We did everything we could, right?
[Dean is left alone in the kitchen and pours one more drink.]
DEAN: Here’s to you, Jack… wherever you are.
[in Jack’s Heaven, working the case from 13.06. Jack gobbles a burger while the rest of TFW stand by Baby researching their route to Dodge City with their food laid out on the car’s hood. Sam is in the background on his phone]
DEAN: Jack, take it easy. You don’t have to cram it all in at once, right?
SAM: Still no signal.
DEAN: Yeah, ’cause I told you, that app blows.
CAS [emerging from the car with a map]: I found this in the glove compartment.
DEAN: Ah! Old school! A real map. Let’s find our way to Dodge City. C’mere, Jack. I’m gonna teach you how to read a map. So, rule number one–
rule number one–
rule number one–
JACK: Dean?
DEAN: North is usually up.
[the sun appears to flicker on and off, and Jack looks up at the sky]
JACK: Something’s wrong.
[Jack leaves his personal heaven and wanders out into the stark white hallway of Heaven, where the lights are also flickering. A tidal wave of black goo fills the hallway and chases after him as he runs away.]
[Dean awakes where he passed out on the kitchen table, and hears voices in the other room. He gets up and follows the voices to the library]
SAM: Man, haven’t seen this stuff in years.
WOMAN: And what language is this technically in?
CAS: We’re not sure, but it’s– it’s written in cuneiform. Kevin was very thorough.
SAM: Yeah. We kept it all– the translations, his notes on his translations, annotations. You name it.
DEAN [standing up, wobbling]” Ohh. Whoa, ohh.
WOMAN: Is this it?
SAM: Uh, yeah, this is everything.
CAS: You think it’s possible?
WOMAN: I think so. Maybe.
DEAN: Maybe what?
LILY: Hello, Dean.
SAM: Dean, you remember Lily Sunder.
DEAN: L– You got old.
LILY: Did I? An unfortunate side effect of giving up magic, I suppose.
DEAN: Ah. What are you doing here?
SAM: I called her.
DEAN: You– Okay. Last thing I remember was her killing a whole bunch of angels to get revenge for her daughter. She tried to kill you.
CAS: Yeah. I remember.
SAM: That’s not– Dean, listen, last night, after about whiskey number five, it hit me. I mean, we’ve torn through all the lore looking for a way to cure Jack, right? But we’ve never looked through Kevin’s angel tablet translations.
DEAN: Yeah, ’cause they’re worthless. I mean, Kevin translated them into– to crazy scribble only a prophet can read. And last I checked, we can’t exactly ask Donatello.
LILY: Maybe I can read them.
DEAN: Oh, so, what, now you’re a prophet?
SAM: She’s the next best thing. I mean, Lily is an angel expert who tapped into their magic in ways we didn’t even know existed. So, if she can read the translations, then maybe we can pull off a miracle.
DEAN: What kind of miracle?
CAS: A way to bring Jack home.
DEAN: Okay. Go for it.
SAM: So, can you read–
LILY: Shh! [she pages through Kevin’s notes] I’m sorry. I can’t.
DEAN: Oh. All right. Well, thanks for stopping by.
LILY: Wait. You can use my magic.
CAS: Your magic?
LILY: The magic I used, as you so sensitively put it, to get revenge for my daughter. You said your nephilim boy– Jack– without his angel grace, his human body died? My magic draws power from the soul, the human soul. It could save him.
SAM: You’d give your soul up?
LILY: Not my soul. His.
DEAN: Pass.
LILY: It’s not his entire soul, obviously.
SAM: How much of it?
LILY: As long as he’s only using it to sustain his body, it won’t cost much. He’ll never miss it.
DEAN: What are we even talking about? I-It’s too late. Jack’s dead. His soul’s gone, right?
CAS: Maybe not. If Jack is in Heaven, I might be able to pull his soul into his body. It would only be for a few seconds.
LILY: That’s all the time I need. If I can open the door, your boy can use my magic to stay alive. Resurrection and a cure. You’re welcome.
DEAN: And you would do all this for us, huh? Eh, for what? Out of the kindness of your heart?
LILY: No. But I’m willing to trade.
SAM: Trade for what?
LILY: I’m old, and I’m dying. And when my life is over, I’m pretty certain I’m going to Hell.
SAM: Why is that?
LILY: Well, I murdered a lot of angels. I don’t expect them to welcome me with open arms. So, if you want my help… get me into Heaven.
[Sam, Dean, and Cas step away to talk privately on the other side of the library]
DEAN: We’re talking about that kid’s soul.
SAM: Not all of it.
DEAN: Oh, okay, then. Tell me you’re not cool with this.
CAS: Don’t you think Jack should decide for himself?
SAM: Listen, I know how important a soul is. Believe me. I do. But if we have a shot at saving him and bringing him–
DEAN: Look, if we do this– if– how are we supposed to get her upstairs, hmm? What, do we talk to Death? Billie? Kidnap a reaper?
CAS: Death is powerful, but she and her reapers– they don’t decide who goes up or who goes down.
SAM: Then who does?
[they return to the table with a book Cas uses to explain]
CAS: Anubis. Guardian of the Dead. The Ancient Egyptians believed that when you die, Anubis would weigh your heart on his scale against justice’s feather.
SAM: Yeah, the– the weighing of the heart ceremony, right, but that wasn’t Anubis. That was Osiris. We met him.
DEAN: Major dick.
CAS: Osiris is Anubis’s father, and Heaven passed over him when they enlisted his son.
LILY: Anubis works for Heaven?
CAS: He doesn’t work for Heaven. He works with Heaven. When God left– sorry, long story– we needed a new judge, and Anubis was the obvious choice.
DEAN: So, Heaven hired a temp to make sure the soul trains kept running on time?
SAM: Right. Great. So, we summon him.
LILY: You can do that? You can summon a god?
DEAN: Done it before.
[in a colorfully planted garden, a young girl plays with a small dog]
YOUNG KELLY: Here, boy! Here, boy! Go long! Roosevelt!
[she throws the dog’s ball into the woods, but Jack emerges with the dog]
YOUNG KELLY: Who are you?
JACK: I’m Jack. I’m your son.
[as she realizes this, Kelly becomes her adult self]
KELLY: My… Jack. It’s you. Oh. I don’t understand. You were just a baby.
JACK: I-I grew up. Do you know where you are?
KELLY: Uh… Roosevelt? He was hit by a car when I was in high school. How in the world…
JACK: You’re in Heaven. You’re in your memories, your best, best memories because…
KELLY: I died. The day you were born. Why are you… No. No, no, no. Baby, no, no. Castiel– he was– he was supposed to take care of you.
JACK: And he did. He and– and Sam and Dean– they tried their best. But things didn’t go as planned. That’s why I had to see if you were okay.
KELLY: Jack, what’s wrong?
[in the bunker library, Sam and Dean rearrange the furniture to paint a summoning circle on the floor]
SAM: All right, Lily should be done in a second. She’s writing instructions for Jack so he’ll know how to, uh…
DEAN: Use the soul-sucking magic? Boy, that lady’s a peach.
SAM: Listen, we talked about this.
DEAN: I know. Gotta happen. It’s the only way. Right. But I don’t like rollin’ the dice on the word of a psycho ex-angel killer.
SAM: I don’t love it, either, but taking risks, making crappy deals– that’s what we do.
DEAN: Yeah, and they usually bite us in the ass.
SAM: So, what do you want to do about it? Leave Jack in the morgue? Burn him?
DEAN: I didn’t say that.
SAM: Because, for me, not doing this– that– that would be like letting him die all over again.
DEAN: I want Jack back, too, okay? I do. I just don’t trust Lily.
[Cas enters the room, upset]
DEAN: You got a 20 on Jack?
CAS: Not exactly. Angel radio is playing a distress signal.
DEAN: Awesome.
CAS: All of Heaven’s gates are open, even the ones that Metatron closed.
SAM: What could that mean?
CAS: I don’t know, but it’s not good.
DEAN: More awesome.
SAM: All right, well, you go. We got Lily. When we’re ready, we’ll pray.
[Cas leaves for Heaven, while Sam and Dean prepare to summon Anubis]
LILY: The instruction manual.
SAM: Thanks. All right, we’re almost set. Just got to get one more thing. I’m gonna go grab it. Hey.
[Sam nods his head to the side at Lily as he leaves, prompting Dean to make nice with Lily]
DEAN: You know, maybe we got off to a bad start. Um, guess I should be thanking you.
LILY: Apology accepted.
DEAN: Except something’s been bothering me. Uh, you know, if this magic of yours is so great… why’d you stop using it? You’re letting yourself get old. You’re letting yourself die. Why? Why risk going to Hell if you don’t have to? There’s something you’re not tellin’ us.
LILY: When Ishim took my daughter, I swore I’d kill him, even if it meant burning my entire soul. But it didn’t. I have a sliver, a whisper of my soul left.
DEAN: And?
LILY: May– my daughter, my little girl– is in Heaven. And if there is still a piece of my soul… Now do you understand?
[Cas arrives in Heaven, finds puddles of black goo on the floor and follows them to two angels lying on the floor, black oozing from their eyes and noses]
CAS: Hello? Hello?
[In Heaven, Cas crouches by the body of an angel who doesn’t respond]
CAS: Zuriel.
[the other angel coughs and sits up, and Cas rushes to her side]
CAS: Dumah.
DUMAH: Castiel.
CAS: What happened?
DUMAH: I don’t know. We were just– Sorry. That stuff– when it touched me, everything just went black. I thought you were supposed to be on Earth.
CAS: I’m looking for someone. Jack. I have to find him.
[Cas begins to walk away]
DUMAH: Don’t leave me.
CAS: Can you walk?
[together they explore Jack’s heaven. Dumah feels the hood of the Impala, but Jack’s heaven is abandoned]
DUMAH: It’s cold.
NAOMI: He’s not here. Hello, Castiel, Dumah. Jack’s gone.
CAS: How is that possible?
NAOMI: Perhaps the angel side of him knew he was in Heaven. In any case, he left.
DUMAH: : Naomi, what is happening here?
NAOMI: We’re under attack. It stormed the gates. It defeated our defenses. There are so few of us left, we couldn’t even stop it.
CAS: It? What– What do you mean by “it”?
NAOMI: The shadow, the thing that rules the Empty. I’m surprised you didn’t recognize its handiwork, Castiel. I thought you were old friends.
[flashback to 13.04, Castiel in the Empty, as the Entity creates a humanoid form out of black goo]
CAS: What is this place?
COSMIC ENTITY: Nothing but Empty. Angels and demons, you all come here when you die.
[back in Jack’s heaven]
CAS: How did you know?
NAOMI: You’re the only one of us who ever escaped.
CAS: What does it want?
NAOMI: The boy. The Empty considers Jack its property. And who knows? Maybe it’s right. He is half-angel.
CAS: So, what do we do?
NAOMI: Give it what it wants.
CAS: You’re joking.
NAOMI: Tell me– what choice do we have? If we don’t meet its demands, Heaven will fall. 46,750,000,000 human souls will be cast in the wind. What’s one nephilim boy against all that? You know I’m right, Castiel. This is what we have to do. Help me.
CAS: No.
NAOMI: Castiel–
[Naomi stops Cas from walking away, and chokes as black goo envelops her]
CAS: Naomi?
NAOMI: Castiel, run!
[In the library, Sam lights candles around the sigil painted on the floor while reciting the summoning spell. Lily cuts her hand and drips blood onto the sigil.]
SAM: Ya ‘anubays, yda ‘uwzuris.
Astamae ‘iilaa suti.
Ya ‘Anubis, ‘ant min yazan alqulbu.
Astamae ‘iilaa suti.
Ya ‘Anubis, dalil almawtaa.
Aleawalim bayn alealamin maftuhatan,
wa’amrak ‘an tuqadim nafsak fi eini.
Give it a second.
[Anubis appears in the summoning circle]
ANUBIS: Mm. The brothers Winchester. I must say, your files have come across my desk many times.
SAM: We never met? I mean, we’ve died.
DEAN: Yeah. A lot.
ANUBIS: I’m more of a “back of the house” kind of guy. Death and her subordinates get all the face time. I get stuck with the paperwork.
DEAN: Pushin’ pencils, damning souls. Tough work.
ANUBIS [laughing]: Just as snappy as advertised. What do you want?
LILY: It’s me. I need to know where I’m going when I die.
ANUBIS: Hmm. That’s unorthodox. Against protocol. But I suppose we’re already here.
[Anubis pulls an abacus out of his satchel]
SAM: An abacus?
ANUBIS: You were expecting a scale and a feather? [he holds out a hand for Lily] May I?
[He holds LIly’s hand over the abacus and the beads shift up and down. When they stop, most of the beads are black, at the bottom of the abacus, implying she’s damned to hell]
ANUBIS: I’m sorry.
SAM: Change it.
ANUBIS: I can’t.
DEAN: Well, looks like you’re not goin’ anywhere.
SAM: Yeah. The lore was pretty clear– Anubis can be bound in a ring of foinikélaio.
DEAN: Aka palm oil. Just so happens we had some laying around.
ANUBIS: This is a miscalculation.
SAM: Fine. Then change it. Let her into Heaven.
ANUBIS: I’m an accountant. I don’t have that kind of power.
SAM: Yeah, right. Like you or– or God has never made an exception?
ANUBIS: That’s right. Because God doesn’t decide. I don’t decide.You do, each of you, your individual choices all tallied up at the precise moment of your death. Keep me here. Try and kill me. It is not going to change Lily Sunder’s fate. But it might change yours.
[Sam breaks the circle holding Anubis with his boot]
ANUBIS: Smart boy.
[Anubis vanishes, and Lily is distraught]
[Cas leads Dumah to Kelly’s heaven]
DUMAH: You’re sure?
CAS: I know him. He’s here.
[inside Kelly’s house, Jack looks out the window, wary of having been found by the black goo]
KELLY: See anything?
JACK: Whatever comes through that door, I’ll distract it so you can run.
KELLY: I’m not going anywhere.
CAS: Jack?
JACK: Cas?
[Jack opens the door and Cas pulls him into a hug]
KELLY: Hello, Castiel.
CAS: Kelly. [they hug too] I’m so sorry. I failed you.
KELLY: You didn’t. You didn’t. Jack– he’s wonderful.
CAS: Yeah.
JACK: We’ve been getting to know each other. What are you doing here?
CAS: Sam and Dean and I– we found a way to bring you home.
JACK: So, I’ll be alive again?
CAS: Yeah. But to do so, we– we need to use magic that will draw on your soul.
JACK: W-What do you mean, my soul?
CAS: It’ll be just a small piece. And I know it’s too much to ask, but it’s the only way.
KELLY: No. I-I don’t know.
CAS: It’s not just Jack’s life that’s at stake. It– The Empty has invaded Heaven because it wants you.
KELLY: Why him?
CAS: Because Jack is half-angel, and we angels– when we die, we go to another place. It’s a place that’s just endless nothing. And this entity– it won’t stop until it finds you, but if you’re not here, if you’re alive…
JACK: Then it’ll leave Heaven.
DUMAH: Smart.
CAS: Dumah.
[Dumah becomes black goo]
[in the bunker library, Lily packs up her things to leave while Sam packs up from the ritual]
SAM: Lily, I– I know you’re upset, but you can still do the spell.
LILY: That wasn’t the deal. I’ve got to go.
SAM: We have nothing to offer you, noth– nothing to say, but… He’s our kid!
LILY: I’m sorry.
DEAN: You know what I think? Burning all that soul? You’re not even human anymore, not really.
SAM: Dean–
DEAN: Otherwise, how could you ever, ever let anyone go through what you went through? The pain of losing a kid? Don’t do this to us.
[in Kelly’s heaven]
CAS: You’re the Empty.
COSMIC ENTITY: Pretty good, huh? You ready to go?
CAS: You stay away from him.
COSMIC ENTITY: Castiel, you know how this goes– the good souls here, the bad souls there. The angels are mine.
CAS: Enough.
COSMIC ENTITY: Stop interrupting! Start paying attention. I’m taking him. And where I’m taking you is worse than Hell… because at least Hell is something. Ohh. Ohh, God, they look scared. Does that hurt you? Good… because I want it to.
[Cas deploys his angel blade to attack, but the Entity flings him across the room]
CAS: Ugh!
[in the library, Jack is laid out on a table draped with a sheet painted with sigils, surrounded by candles. Lily takes a last look at the picture of her daughter in a locket, kisses it, and then tucks it away]
LILY: I’m ready.
[in Kelly’s heaven, the Entity continues to attack Cas]
KELLY: No! Stop!
[the Entity turns its attention to attacking Kelly]
[in the library, Dean prays to Cas]
DEAN: Cas, I hope you can hear me. We’ve got Jack. His shell– it’s ready to go. Here’s hoping that you’re staring at him right now. So, if you are, then, uh, do your thing, okay? Amen.
LILY: Oh-doh oh oh-zah-zuhm-ah,
oh-ee, ah-oh-ee-vee…
[Jack charges the Entity, but it grabs him and chokes him. Buying time, Cas stands up, not to attack]
CAS: Take me.
COSMIC ENTITY: A little louder, please.
CAS: Take me in his stead. Take me.
CAS: I’m the one you want. I’m the one who woke you up.
[the Entity considers this, then releases Jack]
COSMIC ENTITY: You? But you’re already mine.
CAS: Not for years… eons maybe. But if you’ll agree, I will go now, and I will go willingly.
COSMIC ENTITY: Deal. [Cas closes his eyes, waiting to be taken, but the Entity laughs] Oh, but not now. No, no, no, no, no. No, you see, I-I meant what I said. I-I want you to suffer. I want you to go back to– to your normal life and– and then forget about this and forget about me. And– And then, when you finally give yourself permission to be happy and let the sun shine on your face, that’s when I’ll come. That’s when I’ll come to drag you to nothing.
CAS: I accept.
[Dumah falls to the ground and the Entity flees]
DUMAH: Where am I?
CAS: Easy. It’s all right.
JACK: Why? Why did you do that?
CAS: Because I made a promise. Because I love you, Jack. And Sam and Dean– they love you. And they are fighting for you at this very minute.
[Lily begins the ritual while Sam and Dean stand watch]
LILY: Oh oh. Oh-doh…
CAS: I hope that… They don’t need to know what happened here. What I did– I’m– I’m– I’m at peace with my choice. I don’t want them to worry.
JACK: I won’t tell them. I promise.
CAS: Then we should go.
JACK: We didn’t get enough time.
KELLY: Shh. It’s okay. Go. Have a great life. I’ll be waiting. I love you so much.
CAS: You ready?
[Cas puts his hands on Jack’s face, and he glows as his body wakes up on the library table in the bunker]
[Sam and Dean rush to check on Jack, who’s sitting up coughing]
SAM: Jack. Hey. Hey, hey, hey.
DEAN: Read this. Jack, read this.
JACK: Oh, koh-nuh-ga-ma-fuh-luh-guh, ah-oh-ee-vee-ah-ee… ee-duh-luh-vah… oh-ee-vee-ah-ee, ee-duh-luh-vah-juh-ah-um kah-dah.
[Lily wanders away. Jack’s eyes glow when he finishes the incantation]
JACK: Was that my soul?
DEAN: How do you feel?
JACK: Good. I feel… good.
[Dean pulls him into a hug]
SAM: It’s good to have you back.
[Dean looks over toward Lily]
DEAN: Lily, thank you.
SAM: Yeah. Lily–
[Lily is slumped in a chair, dead.]
DEAN: Lily?
[Lily wanders through a file-filled office with a loud clockwork noise, and finds Anubis sitting in front of a giant clock face]
LILY: I don’t understand. Why am I here?
ANUBIS: Hm.Care to try your luck again? [Anubis brings out his abacus again, and measures Lily’s soul. Most of the beads are now white, and rise to the top]
ANUBIS: I’m curious. Did you know what doing the spell would cost you? Say hello to your daughter for me.
[Cas leaves Kelly’s heaven and meets Naomi in the hallway outside]
NAOMI: Hello, Castiel. Relax. I’m here to thank you. What you did– I know it wasn’t for our benefit… but you saved us.
CAS: You’re welcome.
NAOMI: I think that deserves a reward, don’t you? Like, for example, the archangel Michael’s location.
CAS: You know where he is?
NAOMI: We have an idea. And word is, you’ve been looking for him.
[In the bunker kitchen, Jack eats a burger while Cas, Sam, and Dean watch, smiling. They all have burgers and beer]
JACK: Is, uh, something wrong?
SAM: No. No, not at all.
DEAN: Just damn glad to have you back.
SAM: Yeah.
DEAN: And we know where Michael is. Not quite sure how you pulled that one off.
CAS: Well, we, uh– we still don’t know where Dark Kaia is or the spear.
SAM: Yeah, but we will. We’ll figure it out. We’ll find her. I mean, we found her before.
DEAN: That’s right. And then Michael– and that son of a bitch is gonna pay. [Dean holds out his beer bottle in a toast]
DEAN: Come on.
[they all clink their bottles together]