Σενάριο Supernatural | 14×09 The Spear


Σενάριο Supernatural | 14×09 The Spear.

Written by: Bob Berens

Directed by: Amyn Kaderali

Air Date: December 13, 2018

Dean: I know what it’s like to see monsters.

David Yaeger (Hatchet Man): Time to slice and dice.

Dean: And I know that when they’re gone [ Screams ] they never really go away.

[ AU Bobby’s son stabs him] Me and my brother? We’re the guys that stop the monsters.

[ Scenes of Sam and Dean killing monsters ] We’re the guys that scare them.


Dean: [ Scenes of Michael possessing Dean and killing Lucifer ] We had a deal! Thanks for the suit. No!

Vampire: Do you propose we wage a war on the humans?

Michael Dean: There are ways to enhance your talents.

Sam: [ Shooting enhanced warewolf ] Silver bullets aren’t working!

Dean: [ Dressed as Michael ] Sammy.

Rowena: When Jack’s grace was taken from him, his being fell into chaos. The cells are gobbling each other up. [ Scenes of Cas trying to heal Jack ]

Sam: Jack! [ Jack falls to floor ]

Jack: Before my life is over, I want to live it. And when it’s all over, die.

Sam: He’s gone.

Castiel: Maybe we should start thinking about next steps.

Dean: Wake and a bonfire, Hunter style.

[ Scenes of Dark Kaia fighting enhanced warewolves from episode 3 ]

Sam: Michael wants the spear because he knows it can hurt him.

Dean: Where is it?!

Dark Kia: You’re no different than him.

Dean: I am nothing like him. [ To Kaia from S13 E9 ] Get in the damn car!

Castiel: You’re the Empty.

The Empty: [ In Duma ] I’m taking him.

Castiel: Take me.

The Empty: Deal. When you finally give yourself permission to be happy, that’s when I’ll come.

[Jack gasps as he comes back to life and sits up. Sam and Dean are surprised ]


[Cityscape of Kansas City, Missouri, night time] [Various winter holiday scenes, view up outside of office building, red and white decorated Christmas tree ]

[ Music playing ] Ahhh-ahhh Ahhh-ah Rocking around the Christmas tree At the Christmas party hop. Mistletoe hung where you can see Ev’ry couple tries to stop. Rocking around the Christmas tree Let the Christmas spirit ring. [ Scene of a lady’s shoe and purse, party food and trash on the floor, panning view of office front desk ] Later we’ll have some pumpkin pie And we’ll do some caroling. You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear [ Glass shattering, woman screaming, bloody handprint and bloody carpet] Voices singing, “Let’s be jolly” [ Bones crunch, thud ]

Partygoer: Oh, my God, no! [Music in background ]”Deck the halls with boughs of holly.” Please, no! [ Partygoer runs down bloody hallway to elevator, panicking and pushing the button ] Rocking around the Christmas tree Have a happy holiday. Everyone’s dancing merrily In the new old-fashioned way

[ Brett the vampire in Santa hat steps off elevator and starts to choke partygoer]

[ Both look up to see mistletoe, bones crack ] [Brett throws partygoer and Santa hat down garbage chute ] [ Music ends ]

[ Interior of office ] [Enhanced vampire Brett enters office ]

Brett the vampire: That was the last of ’em. Didn’t feed, either. Like you said, about tomorrow? Keeping my “appetite up. [ He is talking to a woman looking out large windows with her back to him ] Michael? Why here? This building, this floor, cleaning it out [ She turns to face him ] and killing everyone?

Alternate Michael: I like the view. [ Eyes flare angel blue ] [ Brett gives an awkward nod of understanding ] [ Several people enter the office ] Melanie. These are the latest volunteers?

Melanie: Yes, sir — the last ones. Two wolves.

[ A young man, early 20’s and Garth ] [ Alternate Michael stops in front of Garth ]

Alternate Michael: This one’s a bit scrawny and a bit familiar. I recognize you, Garth.

Garth: [ Looking confused ] We’ve met? ‘Cause I think I’d remember that.

Alternate Michael: Oh, I’ve spent some time in Dean Winchester’s head — his, um, memories. You were his friend.

Garth: Still am.

Alternate Michael: Makes one of us.

Garth: But I’ve got a family now. And there’s a war coming — your war.

And whether I like it or not, for my family — for my little girl — I gotta be on the winning side.

Alternate Michael: [ Turns and walks back to address Melanie ] And we’re prepared otherwise?

Melanie: We are. Tomorrow night, Kansas City won’t know what hit it.

[Michael and Melanie share a knowingly evil smile and Garth looks on with suspicion and determination ]

[ Men of Letters Bunker ] [ night ] [kitchen ]

[ Crunching and spoon clatters lightly ] [ Jack is sitting alone eating a bowl of Cookie Crisp cereal] [ Jack add more cereal to his bowl ] [ Light switch clicks ] [Cas is in the doorway ]

Jack: Don’t tell Sam.

Castiel: Jack, it’s the middle of the night. [ Joins Jack at the table ]

Jack: Ah, I know. I couldn’t wait till breakfast. Sam says this stuff will rot your teeth, but – I like it.

Castiel: Jack. If you can’t sleep, that’s understandable, given recent events.

Jack: You mean dying and coming back to life.

Castiel: Yeah, we’ve all been through it. It’s something of a rite of passage around here.

Jack: That’s not — I’ve been thinking about Heaven. My mother. You think she’s safe? Castiel: Yeah, of course.

Jack: But how could the Empty get in? And I thought Heaven was supposed to be perfect.

Castiel: No. It’s not. Nothing’s perfect, Jack. But I know Naomi, and she’s complicated, but there is nothing that she won’t do to protect the souls that are in her charge. Try not to worry, okay? – Okay.

Jack: Okay.

[ Cas pats table and starts to stand ]

Jack: Cas. The deal you made — why can’t Sam and Dean know?

Castiel: [ Inhales deeply ] They can. I — I just don’t I don’t want them to. They don’t need that burden. You don’t need that burden.

Jack: Of course I do. You did that for me.

Castiel: You know, the Empty said that it wouldn’t come for me until I had finally given myself permission to be happy, but with everything we have going on, with — with Michael still out there, I don’t see that happening anytime soon. This life may be a lot of things, but it’s rarely happy.

Jack: I’m sorry.

Castiel: Hey. At least we have Krunch Cookie Crunch.

Jack: Yeah. [ Cas takes out some cereal and eats it ] We do. Did you take the decoder ring out of the box?

Castiel: Maybe. The secret password is “Cookietacular.” Shh.

[ The scene widens and Cas takes more cereal from the box and Jack resumes eating from his bowl of cereal ]

[ Sam is on the phone in the bunker ]

Garth: Sam, that’s not all. They want me to “make the change,” become one of them.

Sam: When?

Garth: I don’t know. Soon, I think. Guess that’s what she meant by “volunteer.”

Sam: Well, did they say how it works?

Garth: Uh, yeah. Uh, we’re supposed to drink blood mixed with Michael’s grace.

Sam: Garth, y-you can’t do that. W-We don’t know what that stuff does, you know?

Garth: Look, Sam, I knew this was a risky one. Besides, I’ll just pull the old fake-swallow- and-spit-it-out-later cough-syrup trick.

Sam: What?

Garth: Used to work on my mom.

Sam: Garth –

Garth: Well, most of the time.

Sam: This isn’t your mom, Garth. This is an archangel.

Packmate: [ In the distance ] Hey, dude!

Garth: [ Whispering into phone ] Oh, got to go. [ He hangs up ]

Packmate: Where’d you go?

Sam: No, Garth — Garth?

Packmate: Hey, buddy. They’re ready for us.

Garth: [ Gives Packmate two thumbs up and a grin ][ Sighs ] Balls.

Dean: Garth, huh? He’ll be okay. He’s fooled Michael this far, right?

Sam: Dean, I pulled him out of retirement for an undercover mission. If something happens to him, it’s on me.

Dean: Okay. Hey, look. Naomi gave us Michael’s location, okay? We got a spy on the inside — for a change, we’re a step ahead. And given everything we’ve pulled off lately, I like our odds.

[ Castiel joins Sam and Dean in the library with news ]

Castiel: It’s Ketch.

[ Sam and Dean follow Cas to the Map room where Jack is on a video call with Ketch ]

Ketch: Mm. [Sipping tea ] Valko’s compound was a breeze, as it turned out.

Jammed the security system from the outside, sedated the guard dogs — Rottweilers, naturally

Dean: Ketch.

Sam: Hey. You have it?

Ketch: Sam, Dean. What, no “hellos”, “how are yous”?

Dean: No time.

Castiel: The egg, Ketch.

Ketch: And as I was just telling Jack, I did, in fact, manage to expropriate the egg from a certain Hungarian rare-weapons collector.

Sam: Yeah, uh, uh, Arpad Valko. W-We got the messages, but so?

Ketch: Unfortunately, once I got back to Budapest, where I was intending to catch the red-eye back to the good ole U.S.of A., he unleashed a swarm of mercenaries upon me.

I was cornered, and so I was forced to, I’m afraid, drop the egg like well, to mix a metaphor, like a hot potato.

Dean: Oh.

Castiel: You dropped it?

Ketch: Never you mind, boys. I put it somewhere safe. In fact, it should be arriving in Lebanon, Kansas, the day after tomorrow between, mm — 2:00 and 6:00 p.m.

Dean: You put the only weapon we have against Michael in the mail?

Ketch: Ah, not just any mail. I paid extra. Certified Priority Express.

Dean: He paid extra.

Ketch: Look, I improvised. It’s not as if I have access to the top-shelf clandestine courier networks I did during my British Men of Letters days.

And really, so, whose fault is that, hmm?

Sam: [ Breathes sharply ] Okay, K-Ketch, we’re — we’re not mad, – W-We appreciate the effort.

Dean: [ Angrily ] Do we?

Sam: It’s just that big Michael stuff is going down soon. We — We — We kind of needed the egg now. [ Nervously chuckles ]

Ketch: Oh. Well, um — Sorry, chaps.

[ Cas gives a frustrated sign and leaves, Dean and Sam also are left with expressions of defeat, Ketch fidgets anxiously on the computer screen ]

[ Exterior office building] [ Night ][ Horn honks in distance ]

[ Office interior ] [Garth and packmate are sitting on a couch waiting impatiently ]

Packmate: [ Clicking tongue softly ] [ Sighs ] Buddy of mine, he “made the change.” Says he’s immune to silver now. Pretty cool, right?

Garth: Mm. [Gives nervous double thumbs up ]

Packmate: The only thing that can take him down now is the Full Ichabod. [Slices hand across neck ] Khhht!

Garth: Oh.

Packmate: Says he’s never felt so great. Called archangel grace, the ultimate powerup — a real Chug Jug. Dude, “Fortnite.”

Garth: [ Chuckling ] Oh, yeah.

[ Door opens and Melanie walk in with two glowing blue vials, she hands one to the packmate ]

Melanie: Drink up.

[ Packmate drinks from the vial and his eyes flash blue ] [ Exhales sharply ]

Melanie: [ Hands vial to a nervous Garth ] You have nothing to fear. Only about one in seven volunteers explode when they drink it.

Garth: [ Chuckles ] Russian roulette odds. I like it. Well, Sailaja.

Alternate Michael: All gone? [ All turn to look at Garth}

Garth: [ Visibly swallows ] [ Eyes flash blue and then wolfen ] All gone.

Alternate Michael: [ Moves to sit at desk ] She’s been seen taking shelter at an abandoned recycling facility outside Omaha.

Melanie: What would you like me to do?

Packmate: You feel that, buddy? [ Voice moves to background} My pulse is up a bit, and I’m a bit sweaty.

[ Garth is listening to Alternate Michael’s conversation ]

Alternate Michael: Send a team. Kill her and destroy the spear. I want it off the board before tomorrow night.

Packmate: [ In background ] Damn. I wish we could sneak off to the gym.

Alternate Michael: I can feel them drawing closer

Garth: [ Absently } Yeah, bro.

Alternate Michael: – each and every monster I’ve turned

Packmate: It’s different than when I went wolf. That was, like, white, hot energy, remember?

Alternate Michael: – taking their positions throughout the city waiting for my order.

Packmate: This? It’s Oh, boy, I take it back. This is strong stuff.

Melanie: And your order, what will it be?

[Map Room, Men of Letters Bunker]

Dean: Well?

Sam: [ On Laptop ] It’s not far. It’s being held at a hub facility in Joplin, Missouri.

Apparently, it would’ve made it to Lebanon if it weren’t closed for the holiday.

Castiel: Well, if they’re closed

Sam: Means we can get it.

Jack: How?

Sam: [ Smiling ] We break in.

[ Cellphone vibrates, Sam picks it up ]

Sam: Garth. [ Answers phone ] Hey.

Garth: Hey, Sam. Michael’s sending some guys after someone. They’re headed to an old recycling plant north of Omaha. Uh, says he wants them to get a weapon. A spear? That mean anything to you?

Sam: Uh, yeah. I have an idea. But what about you? How are you? Were you able to fake ’em out?

Garth: Oh, yeah. All good. Uh, but –

Sam: But what?

Garth: There’s more. I heard Michael’s plan. [ Sam is shocked by what Garth tells him ]

Dean: The whole damn town?

Sam: It’s gonna be a bloodbath. All of Michael’s monsters activating all at once, attacking, turning everyone in Kansas City?

Castiel: It’s his army.

Dean: And all on a night when nobody’s guard’s up — all nogged up, waiting for Santa.

– Merry freakin’ Christmas.

Sam: Yeah, well, Garth said Michael was gonna give the signal at midnight, so if we can get to him before he does

Jack: Then we can stop this.

Dean: And with the spear still in play, that can hurt Michael. Given as much trouble as he’s gone through to find it, it might do worse. Could be a shot at actually killing the son of a bitch.

Castiel: And we may be able to trap him. I mean, Bobby’s been working on those angel cuffs. They might be able to hold him.

Sam: Yeah, and — and getting the egg? I mean, we have Rowena’s spell. We can put Michael back in the Cage. It’s literally a trip to the post office.

Dean: Okay, well, getting the spear is literally a trip to the Carter Lake recycling facilities. I say we get both. [ Everyone stands to leave ] Me and Cas — we’ll go deal with Michael’s monsters and get the spear. You and Jack — you do your mail run and get the egg. We’ll meet back at Hitomi Plaza with both weapons, and we’ll hit him from both sides.

[ Night ] [ Baby driving down road ] [ Engine rumbling ] [ Day ] [overhead shot of Baby driving down country road ] [ Baby pulls into fenced yard filled with bales of plastic ]

[ Cas and Dean exit Baby ]

Castiel: You seem good lately. Happy, even. [ Dean is getting gear from back seat ] You — We have a broken tape deck, we drove this whole way without music, and you did not complain once.

Dean:[ Closes car door ] You know, I guess I’m just fired up. I mean, look.

We got — We got Jack back. When was the last time we had a big, no-strings-attached win like that?

Castiel: But now we have Michael.

Dean: I know.

Castiel: And, Dean we’re taking a big risk going after the spear like this.

Dean: I know we are.[ Stopping Cas ] Listen to me. Michael conned me. Kept me trapped and drowning inside my own body. Now, when you and Sam were possessed by Lucifer, I — I thought I understood, but I didn’t, not really. So, yeah, if we get a chance to trap him, I’ll take that, but I won’t be truly happy until he is dead and I kill him.

And now I have a chance to do that, so, yeah, I’m good. Let’s go.

[ Dean and Cas approach a building and draw their weapons ] [ Door creaks as they enter the recycling facility ] [ Door creaks ]

[ Exterior postal office ] [Day ] [ Sam is hacking the security system ]

[ Electricity crackles as Sam jumps as if shocked ]

Sam: All right. That should take care of the security system.

Jack: May I? [ Jack indicates he wants to try to pick the lock ]

Sam: Oh. Sure.

Jack: I used to be able to do this just by touching the handle.

Sam: Who taught you how to pick a lock?

Jack: I did. And the Internet. I just wanted to stay useful.

Sam: [ Lock clicks ] Nice work.

[ Interior recycling facility ] [ Dean and Cas search for Dark Kaia ] [ Dean finds remnants of a squatter encampment ]

Castiel: I don’t think she’s here.

Dean: Well, she was. The food’s still warm, so either she took a hike or she’s hiding.

Castiel: Dean, where are Michael’s forces? We’re going off their Intel, and they had a head start.

Dean: And a shorter drive.

Castiel: Do you think they already got her?

Dean: Well, there’s no signs of a struggle. The Dark Kaia I know? She wouldn’t have gone out without a fight.

[ Exterior of postal office ] [ Jack and Sam exit ]

Jack: It’s lighter than I expected.

Sam: Yeah, it’ll do the job.

Jack: [ cheerfully pointing to stamp on the box ] “Happy Holidays.”

[ Sam notices a suspicious black van parked nearby ] [ Brett the vampire suddenly approaches from behind and hit Sam over the head with a baseball bat ]

Jack: Sam!

Sam: Jack! [ Sam is in a daze as he watches Melanie and Brett put Jack in the back of the van ] Jack! [ Tires screech as the van pulls away and Sam stands up ] – Jack!

Alternate Michael: I wouldn’t. Hey, Sam. [ Eyes flash blue ]

Sam: Michael.

Alternate Michael: [ Chuckles as she holds the egg ] Happy holidays.

Sam: [ Breathes sharply ] [ Chuckles ] [ Breathes sharply ] How’d you find us?

Alternate Michael: What are you gonna do, Sam, hmm?

Sam: [ pulls angel blade from jacket ] You’re gonna kill me, anyways.

[ Michael hurls Sam into the side of a box truck ]] [ Groans ] [ Coughs ] [ Breathing quickly ]

Sam: No. [ Michael’s eyes flare blue and the egg begins to glow and melt ] No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

[ Sam tries to stand but Michael hurls him against the truck again knocking him unconscious ]

[ Cellphone vibrating ]

Castiel: Still no answer? [ Cellphone ringing ]

Dean: No. [ Sighs ] I [ Dean’s cellphone rings]

Castiel: — Sam?

Dean: It’s Garth. [ Clears throat ] Hey, Garth.

Garth: Hey, Dean. Uh, I tried to call Sam, but — No answer.

Dean: Yeah. Us, too.

Garth: Yeah. Um, listen. Michael left a few minutes ago. I overheard him say he was going to back up his forces.

Dean: Oh, do you mean the “forces” that are supposed to be here at Omaha? Because they are definitely not.

Garth: What? Dean, I swear. Michael said

Dean: — It’s okay. Just call us if you hear anything, okay?

Garth: Got it.

[Fluttering of wings is hear ] [ Garth turns to see Alternate Michael ]

Alternate Michael: Garth. Let’s talk.

[ Dean and Cas at recycling facility ]

Dean: So, what, was this a setup?

Castiel: I don’t know.

Dean: Well, what do we do? Do we — Do we go to Hitomi Plaza? – Do we go t-to Joplin, Missouri?

Castiel: Dean! [ We see the spear pointed at Dean’s neck ]

Dark Kaia: Why are you here?

Dean: Hey.

Dark Kaia: What do you want? [ Cas moves toward Dark Kaia ]

Dean: Cas. Cas, no. You know what we want.

Dark Kaia: You think you can take this from me? You’ve tried before.

Dean: Look, we didn’t come to fight you for it. [ Turning to face Dark Kaia ] I came to ask.

Dark Kaia: You should know by now I won’t give it up.

Dean: [stepping so the blade touches his chest ] Well, then, you should just kill me.

There are people that I care about — my family — and they’re in danger. Michael, the one who tortured me, the one who tortured you — he’s gonna hurt them and kill them.

And then, worse. Thousands will die. And the only thing in this world that will stop him is the spear in your hands. So if you’re not gonna give it to me, kill me.

Dark Kaia: What’ll you do for me? [ Dark Kaia pulls spear back and Dean give a sign of relief ]

Castiel: What do you want?

Dark Kaia: I want to go back.

Dean: To the Bad Place?

Dark Kaia: I call it home.

Dean: But you came to this world for a reason.

Dark Kaia: I came here to escape a life of running from monsters. But here, it’s no different, not for me. Michael’s monsters haven’t stopped hunting me. At least over there, I understood things — the world, my place in it. The magic I used to get here, magic from my home — it doesn’t work here. To get back, I need help.

Dean: We’ll do what we can.

Dark Kaia: The boy. The special boy. The one that used Kaia to open up the door? He can do it again, for me.

Dean: Yes, he can. And he will — if

Dark Kaia: How do I know you’re telling the truth?

Castiel: You don’t. Just like we don’t know you’re telling the truth. But we do know that you are hiding something. Like Dean said, you came here for a reason, but if you’re so desperate to return, you’re so driven that you would consider giving up your spear well, that means you have a new reason, something you’re not telling us.

Dark Kaia: You have people you feel bound to protect, to save. So do I. [ Handing the spear to Dean ] If you don’t bring this back to me, I will find you and kill you.

Dean: How will we track you down?

Dark Kaia: You’ve done it before. Do it again.

[ Dean’s cellphone rings and Dark Kaia disappears ]

Dean: Cas , hey. [ Answers Phone ] Sam?

Sam: It was Michael. He knew where we were. He got the drop on us and destroyed the egg, and, uh Dean, he’s got Jack.

Dean: How did you escape?

Sam: I didn’t. He knocked me out. I I don’t know why he didn’t kill me.

Dean: So, what — is he playing us?

Sam: I don’t know. I mean, Garth’s not answering my phone calls. Best guess — Jack’s in Kansas City and that it’s still game time for Michael there. I — I’m gonna head there now.

Dean: Okay. Hey, we got the spear, so we’ll meet you there.

Sam: Great.

Castiel: And, Sam

Sam: Yeah?

Castiel: Don’t you go in there alone.

Sam: I know. Drive fast.

[Interior office ] [Daytime ] [ Brett and Melanie bring in a bound Jack, Michael is waiting on the couch ]

Jack: Why am I here? Why didn’t you just kill me?

Alternate Michael: In your present, powerless condition? Why would I bother? [ Gets up and walks to look out large windows ] Are you familiar with Kansas City — the people, the terrain? Back in my world, I enlisted a garrison to invade it. We leveled it. Death from above. But there was human resistance. Things got messy. I’m trying something different this time — an insurgency from within. My monster army turning every last man, woman, and child — a wave of transformation. Vampires or werewolves — it won’t matter which. Everyone they turn will be mine. No muss, no fuss.

Jack: Why would you think I want to hear any of this? I hate you.

Alternate Michael: Oh, but, Jack, we’re family. You know, in fact, we’re the only kin each other has left in this world.

Jack: My uncle’s in the Cage. And you — you’re not family.

Alternate Michael: Well, not literally, no. Our connection, our relation is more a matter of scale of power. Haven’t you learned yet? In this reality, monsters, humans, even angels — they are insects, atoms compared to us. But you [chuckles] — you’re just a child, a mere infant. For you, the past two years — the entirety of your existence — feel like eons. You don’t even know what time is. But you will. Real time, the time that makes mountains, that wipes out species. You’ll see it all with me.

Jack: No.

Alternate Michael: Year by year, century by century, and as your power returns and grows, we’ll only become more alike. Oh, I know. Your loyalty to Castiel, the Winchesters, the rest of humanity? It will fade. And so will the minor differences — angel armies versus monster armies, this Kansas City or that Kansas City, one world from another — they’ll fade, too.

Jack: Sam, Dean, and Castiel. They’ll come for me.

Alternate Michael: Mm. [ Michael leaves the office ]

[ We see elevator doors as the bell dings, jazzy holiday music plays in the background ] [ Brett and the packmate exit the elevator ]

Brett the vampire: You have your coordinates?

Packmate: Uh, yes, sir. The Cathedral on Oak Street — embed myself in the Christmas mass, wait for Michael’s signal.

Brett: All right. [ Standing in awkward silence ] You can go now. [Packmate gives awkward salute to Brett and leaves ]

[ Brett turns and sees the nose of Sam’s Cougar nearby ] [ He looks around suspiciously and turns to go back into the building when Sam swiftly decapitates him ] [ Melanie enters the office reception area and notices the security camera screens] [We see decapitated Brett on the security camera ] [ Melanie runs quickly to the elevator and excitedly pushes the button ] [ Elevator door opens and we see Sam who decapitates Melanie ] [ Jack is still bound in the office as Sam enters the office with bloody machete drawn ]

Sam: Jack.

Jack: Sam?

Sam: Hey. Where’s Michael? [ Starts to free Jack ]

Jack: Ahh. I don’t know.

Sam: Come on. Let’s go. [ Helps Jack to his feet as approaching footsteps are hear ] Wait, wait, wait, wait. Shh, shh. [ Suspenseful music build until Garth enters the office ]

Sam: Garth.

Garth: Hey.

Sam: You’re okay.

Garth: Yeah.

Sam: [ Exhales sharply ] Great. Let’s get out of here.

[ Elevator bell dings and Sam, Jack and Garth exit into a parking garage ] All right.

Dean and Cass are almost here. They got the spear. As soon as they get here, we regroup, go upstairs

Jack: Kick Michael’s ass. [ Jazzy holiday music plays in the background ]

Sam: Yep. [ Notices Garth groaning and choking with his back turned ] [Jack approaches Garth] [ As Jack taps Garth’s shoulder Garth turns with glowing blue eyes and growls fiercely as he hits Jack, sending him spinning across the garage ]

Sam: Jack!

Garth: Oh, Sam. [ In a strained voice ] He’s in my head. He won’t stop. He won’t let me stop. [ Growls and roars as he starts to transform into a warewolf ]

Sam: Garth?

Garth: I’m sorry. [ Snarls as he moves to attack Sam]

Sam: Hey, don’t do this. [ Garth throws a punch at Sam but misses ] You don’t have to do this. [Garth attacks again ] Garth. [ Garth is snarling and growling as Sam gets him in a headlock ] You can fight this. You can fight this one. [ Garth breaks free and flips Sam to the ground ] Ohh!

[ Jack tackles Garth to the ground and Garth rolls to the top and tries to bite and claw Jack ] [ Sam grabs Garth in a headlock and starts to choke him out ]

Sam: Sorry, Garth. [ Garth growls weakly ] I’m sorry.

[ Panting, Sam drops the unconscious Garth to the ground ] [ Unconscious Garth is tied up in the trunk of Baby ]

Dean: Sleep tight, buddy. [ Dean closes the trunk ] Well, thanks for waiting for us.

Sam: I didn’t have a choice. He drank Michael’s grace. Why didn’t he tell me?

Dean: I don’t know.

Sam: [ Breathes sharply ] When Garth turned, I think it gave Michael a window.

I think that’s how Michael knew where we’d be, how he got the jump on us.

Dean: All right, well, Garth’s on ice now. [ Cas approaches ] You know, maybe if we kill Michael, it’ll cure him.

Sam: Well, I-I called the other Hunters. They’re on their way. Take care of the city, in case we don’t win up there.

[ Festive light jazz music plays as Cas heals Jack’s wounds ]

Dean: I wouldn’t bet against us, you know? Hyah. Hyah. [ Dean attempts to swing the spear like Dark Kaia but fails, almost dropping it and hitting Sam’s head ]

Sam: [ Quietly ] Ah! Whoa.

Dean: Ah! I got it. It’s cool. It’s good. [ Holds spear still ] How we looking over there?

Castiel: Good as new.

Dean: [ Jack joins the group ] Jack.

Jack: He’s up there, waiting for us.

Castiel: You know, Michael’s monsters are all over this city. If he feared us in the least, he would’ve sent some our way.

Sam: Yeah, well, he could’ve killed me back at the shipping facility.

I think he wanted us to come here.

[ “Ode to Joy” plays ]

Castiel: We have to remember — Michael will sense my approach.

Dean: So zero element of surprise.

Sam: Walking right into a trap.

Castiel: Which is set by a full-power archangel.

Dean:[ Scoffs ] Impossible odds. Feels like home. Let’s roll.

[ Music swells as the group move in slow motion, weapons drawn towards the elevator ]

[ Interior office ] [ Night ] [ Michael pours himself a drink ]

Alternate Michael: Come on, fellas. You’re gonna miss the show.

[ Siren wailing in distance ] [ Horns honking in distance ] [ Alternate Michael sighs and sits in chair, fidgeting ] Mm. [ Alternate Michael closes her eyes and smiles as she feels Cas approaching ] There he is. [ Alternate Michael’s eyes flash blue as she turns to face the door ] [Alternate Michael moves from the office into the hallway and towards the elevators, looking ][ Singsong voice ] Castiel. You do realize I can feel you in here. There’s really no need to be [ Castiel attacks from hiding ] coy.

Castiel: Michael.

Alternate Michael:[ Continuing to fight ] Tell me something, Cass. [ Has Cas pinned against the wall ] Why’d you come alone? Advance scout? Strongest player first? [ Throws Cas against the wall ] Not that strong. But, hey, if they want to miss all the festivities, well, then that’s their loss. [ Punches Cas in the face with a cocktail ring on her hand ] But I got a schedule to keep. {Alternate Michael drags Cas into the office ] [Sam and Jack approach Alternate Michael from behind ] [Alternate Michael uses her powers to crush Sam and Jack ] [ Dean comes from the shadows with the spear pointed at Michael ] [ Dean swings at Michael several times but is blocked ]

Alternate Michael: You got it.

Dean: I sure did. [ continues swinging at Michael but misses ]

Alternate Michael: [ Grabbing Dean by the throat and lifting him ] I’m so glad you could make it tonight. I know you hate me, Dean, but don’t forget — you let me in. [ Dean is released and drops to the floor ] And now you get to see it — everything your mistake will make possible — all the bloodshed, all the death — all on you.

Sam: Dean! [ Sam inched toward the spear and slides it to Dean ] [ Dean swings the spear and cuts Alternate Michael’s arm, releasing Jack and Sam from her crushing grasp ]

Dean: [Angrily} Trust me. That’s gonna leave a scar. [ Sam, Jack and Cas get to their feet ] [ Dean stands with the spear pointed at Alternate Michael’s throat ]

Jack: Kill him! [ Dramatic music plays ]

[ Dean’s vision becomes blurred, he experiences flashes of being possessed by Michael ]

Sam: Dean? [ Dean continues to have memory flashes ] [Alternate Michael falls to the floor ] [ Dean has one more flash of him as a bartender ]

Castiel: Dean? [ Dean stands frozen ] [ Energy crackles as Dean break the spear ]

[ Michael Dean turns to face Sam, Cas, and Jack, eyes glowing blue ]

Sam: No.

Michael Dean: Yeah. When I gave up Dean, you didn’t think to question it, to ask why? Dean was resisting me. He was too attached to you, to all of you. He wouldn’t stop squirming — to get out, to get back. So I left but not without leaving the door open just a crack.

Castiel: Why wait?

Michael Dean: To break him, to crush and disappoint him so completely that, this time, he’ll be nice and quiet for a change — buried. And he is. He’s gone. [ Takes a drink of whiskey ] And now I have a whole army out there, waiting, ready for my command, ready for this. [ Michael Dean’s fingers prepare to snap ]

[ Snapping fingers echo as it cuts to black ]

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Από πάντα ήμουν fan των σειρών μυστηρίου αλλά στο Supernatural βρήκα το συνδυασμό που αναζητούσα: αγωνία, χιούμορ και πάλι αγωνία. Αυτό που με κέρδισε στην αγαπημένη μας σειρά είναι ότι τα απίθανα φαίνονται τόσο αληθινά και οι πρωταγωνιστές δεν είναι οι κλασσικοί σούπερ ήρωες, στοιχεία που την κάνουν να ξεχωρίζει από άλλες σειρές του ίδιου είδους. Από τότε (2007) η σχέση μου με το Supernatural είναι καρμική ιδιαίτερα όταν ανακάλυψα ότι αρέσει και σε κάποιον άλλο ο Bob Seger! (Dean)
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