Οι καλύτερες ατάκες του επεισοδίου 14×04 Mint Condition.
Dean: Oh, wow.
Sam: What? Oh, yes, I shaved.
Dean: I mean, it’s so smooth. It’s like a… dolphin’s belly.
Sam: Hey, um… I wanna check up on you. You doing okay? I mean y-you haven’t really come out of your room in almost a week.
Dean: Well, since when is ‘okay’ part of this job, huh? Yeah, Cas is, you know, showing Jack the ropes and Dark Kaia and her spear are in the wind and we have no clue where Michael is or what he’s up to. And not that I’m complaining, but… the house is full of strangers, so…
Dean: So, seriously, what is your deal with Halloween?
Sam: I don’t like it.
Dean: Yeah, but why don’t you like it? Hmm? And don’t give me that, like, ‘well everyday is Halloween for us’ crap, okay? Because one, it ain’t. We don’t eat that much candy. Two you’ve had this hate on for years. So…?
Dean: Got to love the Internet, where everyone can be a dick.
Dean: Yeah, well… growing up it was, uh… It was always nice to check out once and a while. I like to watch movies where I knew the bad guy’s gonna lose.
Dirk: If ghosts are real, does that mean vampires?
Dean: Yep.
Dirk: Witches?
Dean: Uh-huh.
Dirk: Werewolves?
Dean: Unless it’s Godzilla, it’s real.
Samantha: Where did you learn how to do this?
Sam: I had a messed-up childhood.
Hatchet Man: Time to slice and dice.
Dean: I was kind of hoping you’d say that.
Dean: Thanks, man. You, uh… You got me out here ’cause you needed to get me out my funk and get me a win, and you did. So… thanks.
Sam: I got to admit, it didn’t go exactly like I thought it would.
Dean: Hey, man. I just went toe-to-toe with David freakin’ Yaeger. That was awesome.
Sam: Yeah, it wasn’t really —
Dean: Don’t ruin this for me.
Sam: Hey, Dean… when we get back to the Bunker, man, you got to stop hiding out in your room.
Dean: I’m not hiding out.
Sam: And I get why you’re doing it. I-I do. But… what happened with Michael… You said yes for me, for Jack, for your family. You did the right thing. What happened after, just because Michael was wearing your face, doesn’t mean any of this is on you. I don’t blame you. No one blames you. You got to try and stop blaming yourself, please.
Dean: I’m never gonna get over it, okay? I’m just not. But you’re right — I’m not doing anybody any good by just staying cooped up in my room, so… whatever you need I’m there. All right, chief?
Sam: When I was in six grade, we were living in Bismarck. I had a huge crush on her.
Dean: Aww, that’s adorable. Continue.
Sam: So she invited me to her Halloween party. I said yes and I-I went over, and at first, everything was great, um… And then we started to play games.
Dean: Spin the bottle?
Sam: Bobbing for apples. Like I said, I had a crush, so the entire night, my stomach was in knots, and when it was my turn, I-I bent down, and… hurled. Everywhere. Lunch, dinner it all came up — on Andrea, mostly. Uh, people ran and screamed, and it was so bad.
Dean: That’s great.
Sam: I ended up hiding out in the woods until you finally came and got me.