Μετά από 15 ολόκληρα χρόνια τελειώσαν τα γυρίσματα για το Supernatural, το οποίο άφησε τη δική του εποχή στην παγκόσμια τηλεόραση. Το Cast & Crew της σειράς δυσκολεύτηκε πολύ να πει ‘αντίο’ στο δημιούργημα τους και παρακάτω τα συναισθηματικά posts στα Social Media τους (είναι τόσα πολλά που ΔΕΝ ΧΩΡΑΝΕ ΣΤΟ ΑΡΘΡΟ!!!):
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Jensen Ackles (@jensenackles) on
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Jared Padalecki (@jaredpadalecki) on
Εν τω μεταξύ, στις 10/09/2020 το #ThankYouSupernatural έγινε Trend στην Αμερική!
#ThankyouSupernatural is trending today.
— Hollywood North Buzz – YVRShoots (@yvrshoots) September 10, 2020
The last day #Supernatural films in Vancouver after 15 seasons here. pic.twitter.com/Lt0m2NiJ36
So it’s here. Last day of principal photography on Supernatural, my home for 15 years. Getting ready to go to work on it for the final time. Deep feelings. Very deep. I love these people. Okay. Let’s go kick it in the ass one last time. pic.twitter.com/oRlalucX3h
— Jim Beaver (@jumblejim) September 10, 2020
It's over.
— Jim Beaver (@jumblejim) September 11, 2020
#ThankYouSupernatural. You've changed my life in so many ways and you changed the world for the better.
— Misha Collins (@mishacollins) September 10, 2020
Fight on. https://t.co/w5jluwRaVL
This was the first #Supernatural scene we shot. Today will be the last. I'm grateful & love you all beyond words. But it's only over when you say it is, #SPNFamily. In the words of Kim Manners (RIP): Kick It In The Ass. #SPN @jarpad @JensenAckles @mishacollins pic.twitter.com/GXLqBkanPu
— Eric Kripke (@therealKripke) September 10, 2020
Και από εμάς ένα ευχαριστώ:
From all of us here in Greece, thank you guys for changing our lives! We're all proud of you! #ThankYouSupernatural @JensenAckles @jarpad @mishacollins @Alex8Calvert @TheJimMichaels @andrewdabb and the rest of cast and crew! Ευχαριστούμε!!!
— SupernaturalGreecegr (@gr_supernatural) September 10, 2020
The end of an era. Congrats to everyone involved in the last 15 years. Mostly the fans. You guys have proven what true loyalty is. Grateful to have been apart of something so powerful. ❤️ #SPNFamily #SPN #supernatural @jarpad @JensenAckles @mishacollins @ChadLindberg @talalona pic.twitter.com/4MKdby6kIW
— Samantha Ferris (@samanthajferris) September 11, 2020
View this post on InstagramA post shared by bodyguard13 (@bodyguard13) on
Its all going to end here: pic.twitter.com/QvZLvTMQvU
— Norm Lee (@phoenix45photo) September 10, 2020
Hang on! I just read that today is the last day of shooting for @cw_spn. So—I'm *not* coming back??
— Curtis Armstrong (@curtisisbooger) September 11, 2020
Love to all my Supernatural pals at the conclusion of a remarkable run! #Metatron. #SPNFamilyForever pic.twitter.com/ZGNlDpY7bf
Congrats #Supernatural who finish a 15 year run today. 15 seasons, 327 episodes! I was lucky enough to direct 11 of them & enjoyed every minute of it! Well done @therealKripke @jarpad @JensenAckles @mishacollins @jumblejim @Mark_Sheppard & the whole amazing Cast&Crew! #SPNFamily pic.twitter.com/hvJ89zyCOp
— Guy Norman Bee (@guynormanbee) September 10, 2020
In celebration to the final shooting day of #supernatural I will post the weirdest on-set photo I have. 15 season is an amazing accomplishment. The show has changed many people lives (including my own) and done so much good for the world. Here is @jarpad and Toby the SFXMU wizard pic.twitter.com/EN4QuCtth4
— Ryan Curtis (@ryan_curtis) September 10, 2020
📷 @cw_supernatural #thankyousupernatural I pretty much owe this cast, crew, and execs my entire career. Thank you for giving me a home, a family, and a damn good time! I owe ya’ll! All of you!🤙🖤🤙… https://t.co/Sk7NwfRTHz
— matt cohen (@mattcohen4real) September 11, 2020
#ThankYouSupernatural Not only did I get to play a dream role, but I was opened to the indescribable world of the #SPNFamily The fully rounded support you show the cast of this show is life altering ~ Thank you to the writers, directors & producers who chose me to play Asmodeus pic.twitter.com/UHmNcof0ER
— JeffreyVincentParise (@JeffreyVParise) September 10, 2020
Congratulations to all the crew and cast on their last day on set! It was an honor to have been a small part of this family. #SPNFamily @therealKripke @JensenAckles @jarpad @mishacollins @samanthajferris and so many more! pic.twitter.com/HQVnQ7Jzmc
— Alona Tal (@talalona) September 11, 2020
9/10 6:25pm – The End. #SPNFamilyForever #ThankYouSupernatural pic.twitter.com/gmoar0sNDg
— Talli Buchanan (@talli_approved) September 11, 2020
As "The End" nears for #Supernatural here's the Post crew from 2008 w/ kick ass Editor/AE Bruce Gorman, the lone survivor, has been w/ the show since the pilot!! #SPN #SPNFamilyForever @cw_spn pic.twitter.com/lBHBlKmhkA
— Todd Aronauer (@TAronauer) September 10, 2020
#ThankYouSupernatural 😭❤️🙏🏻 pic.twitter.com/FaKKv69aoe
— B R I A N A B U C K M A S T E R (@OfficialBrianaB) September 10, 2020
This is it. Last day. Last scene. Last everything. It’s been an amazing 15 years and there’s gonna be a huge hole in my heart to fill. Thank you @JensenAckles @jarpad for all your blood, sweat, and tears for all these years. We love you!! 💔❤️
— ♔ (@jrodackles_) September 10, 2020
A show that literally created families on-screen, off-screen, behind the scenes, & out in the world, #Supernatural will never really be over.
— Samantha Smith (@SamSmithTweets) September 10, 2020
End of an era, but what. a. ride.
Nothing but love. ♥️#MomForever #SPNFamilyhttps://t.co/E3wxetczkz pic.twitter.com/Gbxg53DAPn
The words I will hear later today- Cut! Print! That’s a wrap ! That’s a season wrap and that’s a series wrap… pic.twitter.com/eGNcb5drJD
— Jim Michaels (@TheJimMichaels) September 10, 2020
Go Figure was in fact my first real job.
— Jake Abel (@MrJakeAbel) September 10, 2020
An older actor on set said to me, “I always get nervous on the first day, don’t you?”
I replied, “I don’t know. This is my first first day…” 🤷🏼♂️ https://t.co/oNd0hBeFJ4
@TheJimMichaels Best wishes to all, today!
— KANSAS (@KansasBand) September 10, 2020
We’ve arrived. Last day of filming #Supernatural. What a legacy.
— Davy Perez ☕️ (@davyperez) September 10, 2020
15 Seasons. 327 Episodes. And a kid from East LA who got to be a part of it all. It changed my life.
The show is not going anywhere, it will be watched and loved for generations! #SPNFamily 💙
Sending mad love to my #Supernatural Family! I had no idea how my life would change when this audition landed in my inbox. Thank you for accepting me! Sending lots of love to the cast and crew today! #SupernaturalForever pic.twitter.com/OqHfJ6UeKM
— Alaina Huffman (@AlainaHuffman) September 10, 2020
Happy last day to the longest running show of its kind in American history. Sending much love to the team on this day of epic accomplishment.
— Sera Gamble (@serathegamble) September 10, 2020
Kick it in the ass, guys. Thanks for the memories. Xo #SPNFamily #supernatural https://t.co/niMKrSth9R
But nothing really ends, does it? #Supernatural <3
— Meredith Glynn (@Merecuda) September 10, 2020
The final #supernatural QOTD @therealKripke @KansasBand @jarpad @JensenAckles @mishacollins @TheJimMichaels @andrewdabb @RealHollidayo @emmafpeterson @megfitz89 @JerryWanek @SNkevinandjill @KCLinnHammons @dicksp8jr @TheAdamWilliams @rotomonkee pic.twitter.com/eg8F0REIG1
— Jason Fischer (@JasonFischer77) September 10, 2020
Thank you @jarpad @JensenAckles @mishacollins @Alex8Calvert @therealKripke @SNkevinandjill @TheJimMichaels @bodyguard4JandJ and the entire #Supernatural cast and crew for the last 15 years. You changed our lives in so many ways and we’ll always be grateful. pic.twitter.com/NzdpoyOtQZ
— Winchester Bros (@WinchesterBros) September 10, 2020
To the cast, crew, writers and all my friends drawing a magnificent 15 seasons to a close…. thank you. So much of my life is entwined in this show. Sorry I couldn’t be there to say my farewells in person, but you… https://t.co/tj0GDqi9NK
— Mark Sheppard (@Mark_Sheppard) September 10, 2020
Jensen says goodbye to the Bunker! pic.twitter.com/nUHEqmWbg5
— SupernaturalWiki.com (@SuperWiki) September 10, 2020
Not looking forward to our last day of filming this Thursday the 10th of September…. #SPNFamily #Supernatural @cw_spn pic.twitter.com/NVZxhumuDX
— Jim Michaels (@TheJimMichaels) September 9, 2020
the end has no end
— Alexander Calvert (@Alex8Calvert) September 11, 2020