Σερβιρίστηκε και το τέταρτο επεισόδιο της τελευταίας σεζόν 15×04 Atomic Monsters. Στον τελευταίο διάλογο των Γουίντσεστερ στην Ιμπάλα, ξεχωρίζει η ατάκα του Σαμ: “I-I don’t know if I can move on”. Αλλά και ο Τσακ με το ” I can see it now “Supernatural: The End” δεν πήγε πίσω…
Dean: The past few days, you’ve barely come outta your room. Look, man, I get it, okay? With Jack and Rowena Rowena knew what she was getting herself into. She knew what needed to be done.
Dean: Well, local police are freaked. Never seen anything like this. They got no idea how to deal.
Sam: Of course not. That’s our job. We keep them from dealing with the truth, with what’s out there, and we carry the weight. It’s great. Meanwhile, they get to go back to living in their white picket fence bubbles.
Dean: You know, ever since you were a kid, you wanted to live in a town like this. Lame, normal
Sam: Yeah, we don’t get normal. And these towns, everything’s the end of the world. You’re late for work, your kid doesn’t get into the right school whatever. They don’t. They have no idea what’s out there.
Becky: So, after some pretty intensive counseling, I realized I wasn’t in love with the real Sam Winchester.
Chuck: Your own… “Supernatural”?
Becky: Where the guys didn’t have to hunt monsters all the time. They just sit around and do laundry and talk, you know? I mean, that’s what people like the most, anyway.
Chuck: Well, I mean, people like monsters.
Becky: Meh.
Becky: Well, sorry, that’s not me anymore, Chuck. I am married to an amazing man, I have two great kids, and I like myself, Chuck. For the first time in a long time, I like myself. So I don’t need you.
Chuck: I know. You don’t need me. No one does. I’m happy for you Becky, that you like yourself. Because I kind of hate me right now.
Becky: You’re a writer, a writer who’s not writing. And when a writer’s not writing, they feel sad, and they get lost. And the writer asks themselves, “Why do I feel this way? Why am I so sad and lost?” And what does all this navel-gazing and hair-pulling amount to in the end? Procrastination, distraction. Just one of a million ways the writer avoids doing the one thing that is all but guaranteed to make the writer feel better.
Henry: This is not Billy’s fault. He was the victim. What were we supposed to do?
Dean: You were gonna let me just cut off your head.
Henry: You don’t have children, do you? Because if you did, you would know that to see your child in pain rips your heart out. And you’d know that you’d do anything. You’d die for them.
Chuck: This is just an ending. Yeah. I don’t know how I’m gonna get there, but I know where I’m goin’.
Becky: B-But it’s so dark.
Chuck: But great, right? I can see it now “Supernatural: The End”. And the cover is just a gravestone that says “Winchester”. The fans are gonna love it. Well?
Becky: It’s awful! Horrible. It’s hopeless. You can’t do this to the fans. What you did to Dean? What you did to Sam?
Chuck: There, see? It’s making you feel something. That’s good, right?
Chuck: Oh, yeah. I’m God.
Becky: What are you. No. You bring them back. You bring them back! Please you can’t do this.
Chuck: Oh, Becky. I can do anything. I’m a writer.
Dean: Look, man I get it. I get it. We’ve lost, way, way too
much. And it’s hard not to feel like just cashing out. I felt like that,
after Chuck back at the crypt. But you know what brought me back? You
did. Saying that what we do still matters. I mean that’s why I dragged
us out here, that’s why I wanted to work a case. To save lives. You
know? Because it is, it’s a crap job. We do the ugly things so the
people can live happy.
Sam: Yeah. Yeah, lucky them.
Dean: Yeah, lucky them. But it doesn’t change a thing. You know what I mean? We still do the job. But we don’t do it for us. We do it for Jack, or Mom. For Rowena. We owe it to anybody that has ever given a damn about us to keep putting one foot in front of the other, no matter what. Hey, man like you said, now that Chuck’s gone, we’re finally on our own. We’re finally free to move on, you know?
Sam: I don’t know. I-I don’t know if I can move on. You know,
I-I-I-I can’t forget any of them. Dean, I still think about Jessica. I-I
can’t just let that go.
Dean: No, man, that’s not what I’m talking about.
Sam: I know, I know, I know. I’m sorry. I know. But… But what I’m saying is that I don’t feel free. What we’ve done, what we’ve lost, right now, that is what I’m feeling, and and sometimes it’s Sometimes it’s like I-I-I can’t even breathe. But maybe tomorrow. You know, maybe I’ll I’ll feel better in the morning.
Dean: And what if you don’t?
Sam: I don’t know.