Οι καλύτερες ατάκες του επεισοδίου 15×10 The Heroes’ Journey, που επιβεβαιώνεται ότι οι Γουίντσεστερ σε μια “φυσιολογική” ζωή δεν είναι αυτοί που είναι οι ήρωες και όπως λέει ο Ντην όταν απευθύνεται στον Γκαρθ: Nothing? You saved us and blew up a bunch of monsters. That’s not nothing. That’s That’s being a hero.
Dean: Still a hugger, huh?
Garth: You know it. You smell so good.
Dean: And we’re done.
Garth: I mean, apparently Dean’s never been to a dentist before, and suddenly he got a mouthful of cavities, you’re sick, and your car is broken down. Who did you guys piss off?
Sam: God.
Dean: Hey, look, just because God yanked the magic horseshoe out of our ass or whatever doesn’t mean that we’re gonna give up. This is our job. It’s what we do. And, yeah, it might be a little harder right now, but so what? Bring it.
Sam: What he said.
Garth: See, the hero never sweats the small stuff. It slows down the story.
Dean: So, then, what happened? Chuck downgraded us?
Garth: Maybe yeah. And now you’re —
Dean: Cursed. C-Cursed. Cursed.
Garth: No normal. For the first time in your lives, you’re having normal-people problems. You need to get a colonoscopy, stat.
Sam: Dude, if Garth was right, if we’re really normal now, we can’t just charge in there guns blazing. We need to be ready for anything.
Dean: Well, I guess we need a grenade launcher. Hey, sweetheart.
Dean: You sure about that? ‘Cause if you know us, you know the stories. See, me and my brother here, we’ve taken down way bigger fellas than, uh, Meredith here. We’ve killed angels, killed demons, Gods, and Alphas. So why don’t you do yourself a favor cut your losses, let us walk out that door before we burn this craphole to the ground.
Dean: Wait. After everything, there’s no way that Chuck lets us die like this. Or he does, to I don’t know to teach us a lesson. Or maybe we just end up paralyzed. No, we gotta win. We gotta win, man. That’s not gonna be easy, okay? But you and me? Not everything we did was because of Chuck. It was us the blood, the sweat, the tears, man. That’s us. We’ve been doing this our whole lives. We’re the best in the world. So I say we go out there. I say we go out there, and we kick some ass.
Dean: This Cas keeps looking at me weird.
Sam: So kind of like the real Cas.
Sam: Hey, listen, Garth, I just want to say, what what you did —
Garth: Ah. It was nothing.
Dean:Nothing? You saved us and blew up a bunch of monsters. That’s not nothing. That’s That’s being a hero
Dean: So What now? Is fine.
Sam: I don’t know. Garth’s right stuff like that, there’s always a downside. And being normal —
Dean: For normal people with normal problems. But you and me? There’s zero about our lives that’s normal. And the way things are going, if we don’t fix this, we might kill each other by accident. And if — when Chuck comes back, we can’t go up against him like this. And if when Chuck comes back, we can’t go up against him like this.
Sam: So, uh Alaska?
Dean: Alaska.