Οι καλύτερες ατάκες που ξεχώρισαν στο επεισόδιο με τίτλο 1×10 Suspicious Minds.
Lata: Well, this has been a spectacular failure. We’ve scoured every location Samuel suspected the Akrida Queen could be and found nothing. I mean, perhaps we should circle back, check our work?
Carlos: Yeah, I — I was thinking the same thing.
Lata: Of course, that could be a… colossal waste of time.
Carlos: Totally agree.
Lata: Or I could, uh, take a machete from your collection and chop you up into tiny little bits.
Carlos: That’s great. Wait! What?
Lata: You haven’t heard a word I’ve said, have you?
John: A normal life’s right around the corner for you, Campbell.
Carlos: I can’t stop thinking about him. I even saw his beautiful, round, dimpled face in my blueberry pancakes I ordered this morning.