Ατάκες Επεισοδίων – 11×21

Καλύτερα Επεισόδια του Supernatural

Χάζευα πολλά χρόνια το Supernatural στην τηλεόραση χωρίς να ξέρω ακριβώς τι είναι, αλλά δεν είχα κάτσει ποτέ να τη δω ολόκληρη. Όταν το έκανα ήταν λίγο ανάποδο αφού είδα την 8η σεζόν πρώτα και μετά την έπιασα απ'την αρχή. Την λάτρεψα αμέσως και ήταν αυτή που με εισήγαγε στον μαγικό κόσμο των ξένων σειρών. Ανακάλυψα το Supernatural Greece λίγους μήνες αργότερα και μπήκα στην ομάδα σχεδόν αμέσως. Όσες σειρές και να δω, καλύτερες ή χειρότερες, το Supernatural θα είναι πάντα το NO.1 στην καρδιά μου. Επίσης δεν θα καταφέρω ποτέ να διαλέξω ανάμεσα στο τρίο Ντιν/ Σαμ/ Καστιέλ.

11x21 All In The Family Misha Collins as Castiel Lucifer and Emily Swallow as Amara

Οι καλύτερες ατάκες από το 11×21

Sam: Okay, so um, Chuck. I guess we don’t call you that, huh?
Chuck: I prefer it.
Sam: Okay, uh, Chuck it is. I’m sorry, you’re gonna have to give Dean and me a moment to start to process. We didn’t know you were around. I mean we knew about Chuck, but we just didn’t know about ‘Chuck.’ I-I-I was hoping you were around, I prayed and I don’t know if they got lost in the spam or if-
Dean: Sam.
Sam: Yeah?
Dean: Babbling.

Dean: Here’s the thing, um, Chuck. And I mean no disrespect. Um, I’m guessing you came back to help with the Darkness, and that’s great. That’s, you know, fantastic. But you’ve been gone a long, long time, and there’s so much crap that has gone down on the earth for thousands of years. I mean the plagues and wars, slaughters, and you were… I don’t know, writing books? Going to fan conventions? Were you even aware or did you just tune it out?
Chuck: I was aware, Dean.

Chuck: You’re frustrated. I get it. Believe me, I was hands-on, real hands-on, for… wow, ages. I was so sure if I kept stepping in, teaching, punishing. These beautiful creatures I created would grow up. But it only stayed the same and I saw that I needed to step away and let my baby find its way. Being overinvolved is no longer parenting. It’s enabling.
Dean: But, It didn’t get better.
Chuck: I’ve been mulling it over and from where I sit, I think it has.
Dean: Well from where I sit, it feels like you left us and you’re trying to to justify.
Chuck: I know you had a complicated upbringing, Dean, but don’t confuse me with your dad.

Casifer: “You want me to beg daddy to come rescue his screw-up of a son? I’m no fan of pops, but he did make all of, you know, everything. And that’s something that you could never do because all you ever wanted was nothing.”

Casifer: “You’re strong, Amara. You may defeat him. But you will never be him.”

Chuck: you have to understand this about the Darkness. She’s relentless, a force beyond human comprehension. It’s the only reason I came off the sidelines.
Sam: Must have been great being her brother, huh?
Chuck: It was the worst. Always telling me what to do, making me do what she wanted. I mean, you guys know how that works.

Dean: “Where’s Chuck?”
Sam: “Sleeping in, I guess.”
Dean: “Does God sleep?”
Sam: “I know he takes really long showers.”
Dean: “Right? And sings too, like, crappy old folk songs. I had to tell him to cool it three times.”
Sam: “You told God to cool it?”
Dean: “Yeah, I sleep.”

Amara: Spoiled brat. I needed solitude and He needed a fan club. So He made all that, and when I complained. He stuffed me in a hole for eons, with your help.

Dean: Is that my computer?
Chuck: I’ve never seen so much porn. Not in one sitting.

Sam: “I know this is a really strange situation and all, but it’s also really amazing. I mean, it’s God. There are so many things I want to ask him, like the planets, why are they round? Or ears, I always thought they were strange.”

Donatello: “Call me Donatello. I’m named after him.”
Dean: “The mutant ninja turtle?”
Donatello: “The Renaissance sculptor.”

Chuck: “I made you. I made all of you, even the ones who aren’t born yet.”

Donatello: I-I-I guess you know that I was an atheist, until ten minutes ago. Is that an issue?
Chuck: Not from me. I mean, I believe in me, but your skepticism is to be expected. I did include free will in the kit.

Dean: Look, you started this. You started all of this. But does that give you the right to end it? You know, we’re not just some toys you throw away. I think you owe us more than that.
Chuck: If my plan doesn’t work, then humans will step up. You, Sam, others that are the chosen will have to find a way. It’s why I saved you years ago. You’re the firewall between light and darkness.

Amara: I missed you, and the sensations you arouse. I know you feel the same way, so… what do we do?
Dean: There can be no us. We should just walk away.
Amara: Then why don’t you?

Amara: This place, this world hasn’t been especially easy for you. Why not at least consider my offer.
Dean: This world is flawed, I’ll give you that. But I am not ready to say goodbye to it yet.
Amara: But one way or another you will. It’s inevitable. My brother won’t stop me again, because He can’t. Dean, give up your smallness, your humanity, and become boundless within me.

Dean: You’re right. I am drawn to you. And it bothers the hell out of me, because I can’t control it.
Amara: Then why fight it? What you’re feeling is that I’m the end of your struggle. Something stops you, keeps you from having it all.

Dean: “You said you wanted to help. Besides world-class douchery, what do you have to offer?”

Metatron: “You need all the help you can get, even douche help.”

Amara: You were kidding with that, weren’t you?
Metatron: He meant well. Spare the universe.
Amara: Spare this.

Chuck: Occasionally I do answer a prayer… You’ve changed.
Casifer: You’ve changed.
Chuck: Well still. I’m really pretty much the same.

Dean: Still twitchy, huh? Well, you met God, Lucifer and the Darkness. You’re gonna need a spa day. That or a pair of hookers.

Sam: So you wanna tell me about it? I mean, Amara obviously figured out something was going on and she didn’t rip your head off.
Dean: She wants me to be a part of her. Not metaphorically, I’m talking literally. Forever. So in other words, adios.

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