Sam: “You made egg white omelets?”
Dean: “Yeah, the breakfast of champions. You know, if you’re a dork like you.”
Dean: “As soon as we get rid of this demonic tramp stamp, I am back on the booze, burgers and more booze.”
Dean: “You’re saying Charlie tortured someone? Our Charlie? Yay high, wouldn’t hurt a hobbit, practically sparkles.”
Charlie: “I should’ve known Rocket and Groot would track me down.”
Charlie: “Being good is really annoying. Normally at a place like this I’d be pounding Harvey Wallbangers and checking out the bartender’s ass. Now all I want to do is sip club soda and send her to college.”
Russell: “Judging from your cheap shoes and your faded jeans, I’m guessing the only house you’re in the market for comes with wheels. Now look, I’m a busy man, my time is extremely valuable. I prefer not to have it wasted by some hayseed.”
Charlie: “You Winchester boys and your talk. Blah blah blah repressed feelings, blah blah blah passive aggression.”
Charlie: “You hit like a girl who never learned how to hit.”
The Wizard Of OZ: “Your friend wanted to be a hero. And do you know what happens to heroes? They die.”
Sam: “You good?”
Dean: “No.”
Sam: “She’s right, Dean. You can do this. We can do this.”
Dean: “Then let’s get to work.”