“we’re not really holiday people” θα παραδεχτεί ο Σαμ σε ένα επεισόδιο (15×14 Last Holiday) με χιουμοριστικές ατάκες σε γιορτινό κλίμα!
Mrs. Butters: When the lads left for the ceremony, I was told to stay behind, guard the Bunker. But they never returned. So, to keep the Bunker safe, I placed it and myself in standby mode.
Mrs. Butters: I never dreamed… it would take this long to be reactivated.
Sam: Yeah, we don’t totally know everything about this place yet.
Dean: It’s kinda been one apocalypse after the other.
Mrs. Butters: I know how busy your work can be. If you’re anything like the others, then it has been an age since you had a home-cooked meal or celebrated the holidays or — oh — ahem — washed your clothes.
Sam: Yeah, we’re not really holiday people.
Dean: He’ll be fine. I mean, I’ve been through worse. Look at me. I’m the picture of health.
Sam: Ignoring your trauma doesn’t make you healthy.
Dean: Sure it does.
Dean: Whoo! Well, that’s gotta be a record. I mean no investigation, no dead ends. Just — ding! Bloodsuckers. That monster radar rules.
Sam: Why didn’t you call me?
Dean: Well. I mean, I, you know, figured you were… “practicing your sign language.”
Sam: And that’s more important than coming to save you? Dean?
Dean: It’s been a while for you, man, you know?
Dean: Dang it. Dang — Damn it. Damn it! “Language,” my ass.
Mrs. Butters: It — Oh. Dean. Eat your vegetables. And, Sam… cut your hair. And, Jack… go save the world. Well. Goodbye, boys.