Οι καλύτερες ατάκες του έκτου επεισοδίου με τίτλο 1×06 Art of Dying.
Latika: I am centered. I am at peace. I create my own path, and I walk in it fearlessly.
Mary: Is that my robe?
Carlos: I like to think of it as our robe.
John: I thought getting out of hunting was next to impossible. I mean, what was that whole thing that you said about the– “The only thing worse than how it starts for hunters is how it ends”?
Carlos: Okay, so I embellished for dramatic effect. Are we really gonna act surprised by that now?
Lata: Actually, could I look at your lore books? Someone took out my “Wilmont’s Guide to Monster Anatomy” to make room for their machetes.
Lata: Being a pacifist and a hunter, it’s like I’m torn between two different worlds. And seeing Darla on the pyre back there reminded me of what happens when you can’t punch back.
Mary: Did you have any regrets about it– leaving?
Tracy: In the ten years since, I’ve read hundreds of books, stepped foot on almost every continent. I went to college, cultivated the land… Broke nearly a dozen hearts.
Mary: Okay!
Tracy: …made a prizewinning lemon meringue. My only regret is that I didn’t get out sooner.
Mary: Your mom told me about you and danger and how you’ve run towards it every single time since you were a kid.
John: I don’t need you or my mom psychoanalyzing me.
Mary: And I don’t need you using me as an excuse to avoid your issues.