Οι καλύτερες ατάκες του πέμπτου επεισοδίου με τίτλο 1×05 Legend of a Mind.
Carlos: Okay, a fancy councilman with a mushy brain is tempting, but the demon Ada and I trapped in a bonsai tree said the Akrida have a leader running around in a human body. Seems like we should maybe find that person before they, you know, destroy the world.
John: Hey, what’s a djinn?
Carlos: They attack a person in their subconscious and feed off their mental energy, usually till the person slips into a coma and dies. It’s sort of like a brain vampire.
John: I just stopped at Harper’s. Figured I’d get you something too. French dip sandwich… Extra au jus.
Latika: EMTs found three splinter-like objects near the body. It’s just a theory, but these stingers could have been implanted by the Akrida, allowing them to take control of the human host. The toxicology report confirms an unknown substance was found in the councilman’s brain.
Ada: One thing you learn about plants, you can never treat any of the two the same. They each need their own perfect amount of light and water in order to grow.
Ada: I followed my heart. I don’t think that’s ever a mistake.
Mary: Even if you’re scared?
Ada: Especially then. It’s just part of falling in love.
Tony: Our nightmares are rooted in trauma. They take shape in our darkest memories. Mine… mine are about turning into my dad.