Οι καλύτερες ατάκες του όγδοου επεισοδίου με τίτλο 1×08 Hang On to Your Life.
Lata: What is that smell?
Carlos: Mmm, the smell of stars being born.
Lata: You sure it’s not stale beer and B.O.?
Carlos: Pay your respects, okay? This is a cathedral.
Samuel: You mean to tell me, my daughter’s teaching family secrets to a son of a MOL man?
Millie: A mole man?
Samuel: Men of Letters, M-O-L. They’re buried underground with all their books, while hunters are out there getting their hands dirty. Or worse.
Millie: And for the record, if it wasn’t for my MOL man of a husband, you, your daughter and my son would all be dead by now.
Jericho: How is none of this fazing you?
Carlos: You asked me why I walked away. Helping people with weirdness like this is why.
John: I know I’ve only been hunting for five minutes, but she hasn’t slept a good night since you’ve been gone. Least you could do is treat her more like a daughter and less like a soldier.
Loki: Oh, my sweet, little summer child, you will if you wanna save Jericho. You know, you have a very impressive résumé. “Love of modern dance.” Useless. “Gifted typist.” Now that’s a skill. “Musician, hunter, hair model.” Samesies. But what I don’t see here is somebody who will just walk away.
Samuel: I’m thinking that a lot more changed than I realized. When I first met Carlos, he was a feral kid with a knack for hunting and getting into trouble, and Lata, she was terrified. She was content to read about what we do in the safety of the library. It’s only been a few months since I’ve seen them, but now look at them.
John: Well, it’s all because of Mary. She brought us together. She didn’t get that from me.
Lata: Play some Sabbath! What? I’m more of a metal gal than all that folk stuff, to be honest.
John: That’s impossible.
Mary: What?
John: I know this guy. This is the guy that gave me my dad’s letter when I got back from Vietnam. Do you know him?
Mary: No.
John: Then how is he in the background of one of your dad’s photos?
Mary: I don’t know. Who the hell is this guy?