Ατάκες επεισοδίου – The Winchesters – 1×08 Hang On to Your Life

Καλύτερα Επεισόδια του Supernatural

Από πάντα ήμουν fan των σειρών μυστηρίου αλλά στο Supernatural βρήκα το συνδυασμό που αναζητούσα: αγωνία, χιούμορ και πάλι αγωνία. Αυτό που με κέρδισε στην αγαπημένη μας σειρά είναι ότι τα απίθανα φαίνονται τόσο αληθινά και οι πρωταγωνιστές δεν είναι οι κλασσικοί σούπερ ήρωες, στοιχεία που την κάνουν να ξεχωρίζει από άλλες σειρές του ίδιου είδους. Από τότε (2007) η σχέση μου με το Supernatural είναι καρμική ιδιαίτερα όταν ανακάλυψα ότι αρέσει και σε κάποιον άλλο ο Bob Seger! (Dean)

Οι καλύτερες ατάκες του όγδοου επεισοδίου με τίτλο 1×08 Hang On to Your Life.

Lata: What is that smell?
Carlos: Mmm, the smell of stars being born.
Lata: You sure it’s not stale beer and B.O.?
Carlos: Pay your respects, okay? This is a cathedral.

Samuel: You mean to tell me, my daughter’s teaching family secrets to a son of a MOL man?
Millie: A mole man?
Samuel: Men of Letters, M-O-L. They’re buried underground with all their books, while hunters are out there getting their hands dirty. Or worse.
Millie: And for the record, if it wasn’t for my MOL man of a husband, you, your daughter and my son would all be dead by now.

Jericho: How is none of this fazing you?
Carlos: You asked me why I walked away. Helping people with weirdness like this is why.

John: I know I’ve only been hunting for five minutes, but she hasn’t slept a good night since you’ve been gone. Least you could do is treat her more like a daughter and less like a soldier.

Loki: Oh, my sweet, little summer child, you will if you wanna save Jericho. You know, you have a very impressive résumé. “Love of modern dance.” Useless. “Gifted typist.” Now that’s a skill. “Musician, hunter, hair model.” Samesies. But what I don’t see here is somebody who will just walk away.

Samuel: I’m thinking that a lot more changed than I realized. When I first met Carlos, he was a feral kid with a knack for hunting and getting into trouble, and Lata, she was terrified. She was content to read about what we do in the safety of the library. It’s only been a few months since I’ve seen them, but now look at them.
John: Well, it’s all because of Mary. She brought us together. She didn’t get that from me.

Lata: Play some Sabbath! What? I’m more of a metal gal than all that folk stuff, to be honest.

John: That’s impossible.
Mary: What?
John: I know this guy. This is the guy that gave me my dad’s letter when I got back from Vietnam. Do you know him?
Mary: No.
John: Then how is he in the background of one of your dad’s photos?
Mary: I don’t know. Who the hell is this guy?

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